Only in Minnesota… well, and Canada
February 12th, 2014
Up in International Falls, getting around is a little different than in Red Wing. Snowmobiles outside the restaurant, beyond the dots of the snowmobiles is a town of ice houses way, way off in the distance, maybe Canada… and then this goes by:
Yesterday, it was was 30+ degrees warmer up here on the border than it was in Red Wing… weird, really weird, and it was even colder than that in La Crosse yesterday morning. “Climate change” is a bit of an undertstatement!
I’m up here for a few days for public meetings on Scoping for environmental review for the Great Northern Transmission Line. For the latest on that, see!
Of course, noticed the shelter up here, but no time to stop:
German Shepherd Dog Mix • Adult • Male • Extra Large
Pennington County Humane Society Thief River Falls, MN
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