Contact Pres. Biden to live up to his promise to bring refugee ceiling back up, he’d promised 125,000, but only brought it up to 62,500, and that was after LOUD outrage when he said he was going to leave it at the slashed level of the previous administration!! Campaign promise – 125,000. Just do it. Get with it, Biden: CLICK HERE FOR CONTACT WHITE HOUSE PAGE

In today’s Federal Register documents for Public Inspection, this:

That’s a drop in the bucket as far as money goes. And how about raising the limit of refugees that was slashed during the prior administration:

And for 2022?

In Another Reversal, Biden Raises Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed Into the U.S.

That campaign pledge?

That increase to 62,500 is only half way there to 125,000. And what about letting people in? Raising the ceiling does nothing if the U.S. is not letting people in.

And through recent history, here are the numbers, the ceiling and admissions:

Here’s from 2009:

And since 1980:

Here’s a link to National Archive documents regarding the UNSUCCESSFUL attempt to claim Executive Privilege (this isn’t the bunch of documents that were released to the Committee):

Records Related to the Request for Presidential Records by the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

Freeborn Wind is too noisy!

February 1st, 2022

It’s out, Xcel Energy’s post-construction wind noise monitoring report, and as predicted, as they were WARNED HOW MANY TIMES, it’s over the permitted noise levels. Here’s the poop:

And here’s the important part:

And validation that what we were warning them about, their bogus use of 0.5 ground factor, is skewing the modeling so that it understates the noise:

And what does the site permit say:

Develop a plan? Yes, and here’s the plan:


The plan? Xcel must do noise monitoring for each of those turbines not covered by these studies to demonstrate it is complying with the noise limits, and if not:


I’m fed up with the excuses and pandering to first Invenergy, and then Xcel Energy. Ever since the ALJ’s initial recommendation, recommending that the permit be DENIED because they had not demonstrated they could comply with the noise standards…

WE WON!!! ALJ Recommends Freeborn Permit be DENIED, or… May 14th, 2018

… and here we are, years later… still at it, the same old thing, they’re TOO NOISY!

FREEBORN WIND IS TOO NOISY! How many times, how many ways, did we tell you, warn you, provide you with clear documentation… well, DOH! FREEBORN WIND IS TOO NOISY!

This is not rocket science, it’s just basic sound, and here’s the crux:

Commissioners, you’ve been putting people off for too long. People have been living with unreasonable and unrelenting noise, so that’s the plan:


Dept. of Commerce – EERA announces release of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Xcel’s proposal to change storage casks (to what? Who knows, Xcel ain’t sayin’), and two meetings for comment.

In person meeting? MASK UP!!!

And here’s the SEIS:

Here’s the poop on comments:

Get to work, the SEIS is 132 pages, but in format-lite!

FYI, Xcel’s “plan” is linked here:

Change in Prairie Island nuclear casks?

861 Miles of CO2 Pipeline?!?!

January 31st, 2022

Summit Pipeline Solutions, LLC, has been threatening to file an application for a pipeline, well, pipelines, several, around Iowa, and also southern Minnesota in Jackson and Martin counties, in Nebraska, South Dakota, and getting into North Dakota. The Iowa docket was opened up in October, people have been commenting and objecting.

CLICK HERE for the Iowa Utility Board docket summary!

The Iowa Petition was filed last Friday, you can find it and all the appendices at the link above.

The Petition filed by Summit Carbon Solutions was so detail-lite that I filed this, with some basic questions to be answered, basic info to be provided:

Here’s what I think they need to consider, a very narrow part of it, but based on what I learned through the Mesaba Project CO2 capture fiasco:

  • The total CO2 generation of each facility proposed to utilize this pipeline;
  • The tons/year of CO2 to be captured from each facility proposed to utilize this pipeline;
  • The percentage of total CO2 generation at each facility to be captured and shipped from each facility proposed to utilize this pipeline;
  • Megawatts of CO2 capture technology at each facility and whether there is sufficient capacity in facility transmission to operate carbon capture equipment;
  • Efficiency impact of CO2 capture to each facility proposed to utilize carbon capture;
  • Pumping stations at each facility to bring psig to pumping level and megawatt requirements of each;
  • Disclosure of transmission load and capacity and whether there is adequate transmission capacity at CO2 generation facilities to handle CO2;
  • Locations and megawatts of each pumping station along the pipelines’ approximately 681 miles traversing Iowa;
  • Disclosure of transmission infrastructure, load, and capacity for pumping stations at each location along the pipelines’ approximately 681 miles traversing Iowa;
  • Disclosure of company’s plan for acquisition of land for pumping stations and transmission lines to power pumping stations;
  • Megawatt requirements for all the pumping stations combined for total parasitic load;
  • Disclosure and consideration of CO2 impacts of increased electric generation required to capture CO2, pump into pipeline; pump through pipeline, and pump into earth at receiving end;
  • Disclosure and consideration of annual operations and maintenance costs.
  • Disclosure of locations and total area of land needed and costs for easements and fee purchases;
  • Disclosure and consideration of cost per ton of CO2 capture, pipeline, pumping stations, and transmission capital and interconnection costs, and easements for all infrastructure.

That should keep them busy for a while. I attached the Mesaba Project proposal to give them an idea that these considerations are REAL, and that these CO2 proposals are not all they’re cracked up to be. CO2 capture is difficult and expensive, even small amounts cost a lot in dollars, and costs a lot in efficiency, and that’s not even getting into pipelines sending it somewhere. Yet they had this vision… a nightmare:

North Dakota’s Energy and Environmental Resource Center

And the important details weren’t revealed then, and for sure aren’t now. From Mesaba Project’s Exhibit EE1067, p. 20:

Details matter, facts matter, and what’s hidden here matters.

Meanwhile, back in Minnesota, anticipating an application of some sort, the Public Utilities Commission has requested comments on whether the definition of “hazardous” for pipelines should include “CO2.”


But really, look at that — the only thing they think is worth addressing is amending the definition of “hazardous liquid.” Good grief… we need CO2 specific rules.

My initial comment:

And then after a quick review of the Summit Carbon Solutions Petition, got this filed today, with the Excelsior Energy Mesaba Project bogus proposal for CO2 capture and sequestration (to the plant gate!!! What then? They didn’t say… ahem…), so I let the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission know what I’d filed in Iowa, not that they care, and revived Excelsior Energy’s Mesaba Project exhibit EE1067, their bogus CO2 capture proposal, TO THE PLANT GATE:

Once more with feeling:

Details matter, facts matter, and what’s hidden matters.