U.S. House COVID Report

December 11th, 2022

Following on the equally damning: Senate COVID Report: “Historically Unprepared”

Passive solar heating panels

December 11th, 2022

For years, I’ve wanted to put together a test project here in Red Wing, a solar heating panel on the south facing wall of many of the homes in town. Given the major impact of a heating panel on ONE house, imagine the heat, cost savings, and energy consumption decrease in a fleet of them! Oh well… I’ve not done the work, but if I have some time, dream on, but parking some pages here and starting a file.

There are so many good sites with info. The most important take away is that it’s very CHEAP to build these, and doesn’t take much skill.

And some related inks:

Low Profile, Aluminum Downspout, Solar Hot Air Construction Project

Downspout Test Collector Construction

OK, parked…

I’ve had mixed feelings over the flapping about infrastructure security, dubbed “Critical Energy Infrastructure” and “Critical Energy Infrastructure Information,” concern about which was trumped up after 9/11, with notions of foreign terrorists attacking our energy infrastructure.

But just last week, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS took out two substations in Moore County, North Carolina.

Repairs complete on Moore County substations, power restored

And before that, for sure an issue:

Group With Ties to Racially Motivated Violent Extremists Including two Former Marines Facing Additional Charge of Targeting Energy Facilities

And a different bunch:

Three Men Plead Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Material Support to a Plot to Attack Power Grids in the United States

Years ago, a substation near a new New Jersey transmission project started on fire:

FIRE! ACE’s Orchard substation is on fire!

There’s a quite narrow definition of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information, and it applies only to information filed with FERC and categorized as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information. Utilities, however, have made Critical Energy Infrastructure Information claims very broadly, to things not properly deemed CEII, and have used this to limit the public’s knowledge of utility plans, both in planning and development, and actual “on the ground” construction plans.

For years, I’ve been noting that concerns about vulnerability of our electrical grid are a valid argument for increased distributed generation, ending reliance on central station power, long transmission lines, and big substations. It’s been very handy for utilities to use against anyone opposing their plans, making it impossible to get information. And where basis is a concern about foreign terrorism, it’s misused — I’ve experienced first hand the Critical Energy Infrastructure law used against me in a hearing, to prevent entry of a 2005 transmission map in a transmission proceeding, a public map issued long before CEII was invented. I’d added some large coal plants, entered in the record of the PPSA Annual Hearing way way back when, 15 years ago, maybe?

Now really, how on earth can “need” be established without a map to look at the system as a whole and how this line fits in it, how on earth can you get a feel for what’s all connected, and what generation the proposed lines would facilitate?

I’ve also been confronted when taking a photo of a power plant, a shuttered, out of service power plant! Guard comes driving up, screeches to a halt, and runs up to van, hand on gun… oh, get real. I hand him my card. Such a threat…

Through claims of “Critical Energy Infrastructure Information,” I’ve also been barred from attending MISO transmission planning meetings.


That’s something that really pissed me off, and attempting to deal with that took hours and hours over months, between FERC, whose counsel was MOST helpful, and MISO, which was MOST obstreperous, blocking participation.

MISO bars access to planning meetings

MAPP adopts shroud of secrecy

“Grid Security” Notice of Comment Period

It’s a mixed bag, as MISO has been using “CEII” as a way of excluding the public from their planning meetings, PJM too, per FERC, and yet now it’s clear that domestic terrorists are targeting electric infrastructure. What to do?

Documentation of Trump Administration’s abject failure in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in over 1,090,000 deaths in the U.S., over 14,500 deaths in Minnesota (that’s nearly the population of Red Wing).

Yet this, after publication of the Senate committee report:


December 4th, 2022

Yesterday, at around 8 p.m., multiple electric substations in Moore County were shot up, three it appears, and at least 40,000 people out of power. Today’s it’s been disclosed, law enforcement from every possible jurisdiction is involved. Sheriff says there’s evidence it’s intentional — well, DOH, how could it not be??


State of Emergency declared, starting at 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., shelters are open starting at 4 p.m.

Folks there are saying “I need to do laundry,” and “what about my freezer,” Earth to Mars, if that’s your major concern, you are indeed privileged. It takes a long time to get a transformer replacement, so even if they can rewire everything up, without that transformer, nothing happens. People have need for electricity for oxygen, refrigerating meds, ventilators, heat, pumps for water and gas, and cell service is out, the list goes on. Get out the camping gear (set up a tent in the living room, helps keep warm), don’t open the freezer/fridge (and when you do, start cooking), use ice to extent possible, solar and batteries and generator (use sparingly), and check in with your neighbors to make sure everyone’s OK. Pool resources. Work together! Temp isn’t too bad, ~49 now, down to 34 tonight, and up to 59 tomorrow, tonight will be the lowest for a few days — that will help.

If you’re able to leave, that’d be a good bet.


Sheriff: Vandalism Cuts Power Across North Carolina County

Mass power outage in North Carolina being investigated as ‘criminal occurrence’

Rundown of impacts, from Andrew Wilkins in Moore County

Emergency Declared and Curfew Ordered Following Moore Power Grid Attack:

Is it any wonder…

Accelerationist Guide Calls for Metcalf-Style Attacks on ‘Sitting Duck’ Electricity Infrastructure

That’s a federal violation, Critical Energy Infrastructure and all:

North Carolina: FBI investigates gun attack on Moore County power grid

And yes, Emily Grace Rainey did tweet “The power is out… and I know why” on fb too:

… and received a visit from the sheriff, who apparently said howdy and left. Apparently she is well known locally, and helped organize the 3 busloads who went up for the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Here she is with the sheriff, who went to her home after the outage, and rumor has it prayed with her. This photo of Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields and Emily Grace Rainey at a Back the Red White & Blue event in Southern Pines on Oct. 17, 2020:

Accelerationist Guide Calls for Metcalf-Style Attacks on ‘Sitting Duck’ Electricity Infrastructure

Wonder if her farm has electricity today?

Here’s a video of her with the Proud Boys, etc.: https://twitter.com/i/status/1599693563293741057

I’d guess the FBI will be on this. Local law enforcement not so much…