Thanks to Nukewatch for the heads up! As if the Prairie Island dry cask docket isn’t enough, the Draft EIS has been released for the Monticello relicensing/renewal. Here’s the Federal Register notice:

Federal Register Notice – Northern States Power Monticello Draft Environmental Impact Statement

and there’s a meeting on Thursday at the Monticello Community Center.

There’s a public meeting for comments on Thursday May 15, starting at 5 p.m. with an hour long info session, and then at 6 p.m. the comment period. Will they have good treats like Xcel usually does?? We shall see.

It’s at the Monticello Community Center, South Mississippi Room, 505 Walnut St., Monticello, MN 55362.

To look at the entire docket thus far, go here: and then to “Content Search” and search for docket “NRC-2023-0031.” Like this:

And this is what you’ll get:


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