UPDATE: Red Wing CRG, P.O. Box 519
November 25th, 2022
Once more with feeling, or as the Teletubbies would say, “AGAIN! AGAIN!”
Let’s see… P.O. Box 519 was on the flyer sent dated October 31, 2022, way down at the bottom:

And P.O. Box 519 is used as the address in the Campaign Finance Report:
And the attached list of “Red Wing CRG” expenses claimed, “PO Box 10/28 102.00” in that Report:
Mail was returned as of 11/21 and 11/23/2022, “Return to Sender” “Not Deliverable as Addressed” and “Unable to Forward” less than a month after supposedly renting a P.O. Box for $102.
I’m no Elvis fan, but that tune is growing on me… seriously stuck on my tape loop!
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