Dayton bellyflops into the frac sand fracas
April 22nd, 2014
Gov. Tim Pawlenty was the “Green Chameleon,” but Gov. Mark Dayton doesn’t even pretend to be green. Today, he showed his true colors, delivering a harsh undercutting “rebuff” of a statement just prior to petitions being delivered to his office, petitions with 6,000 signatures, obtained with a lot of effort from a lot of citizens, requesting he enact a moratorium to stop new frac sand mines in Southeast Minnesota. To deliver this message in the way that he did says a lot for his regard for his constituents and their concerns. How hard would it have been to meet with those delivering the Petitions, to graciously accept them, and at least consider the request, take it under advisement?
I sure hope everyone is talking about our Governor. WOW!
6,000 signatures… how many does it take for a recall election?!?!?!?!
Here’s his statement:
As for the “Critical Areas Act” as the basis for a moratorium, well, I’m not so sure about that… There are a few steps that have to happen before it goes to the Governor. Minn. Stat. 116G.06.
Here’s where you can tell him directly what you think of his treatment of concerned Minnesotans:
Telephone: 651-201-3400
Toll Free: 800-657-3717
The report on MPR:
Dayton says no to frac sand moratorium
The report in the STrib:
Dayton says no to frac sand moratorium in southeastern Minn.
Says he lacks authority for the southeastern Minnesota ban sought by mining opponents
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