Convention time… Resolutions!
March 22nd, 2014
It’s that County Convention time of year, so we hustled on down to Goodhue for the DFL convention and voted on resolutions. Alan spoke to let people know what his most important resolution was about:
2) That the words “the heat value of mixed municipal waste or refuse derived fuel” be removed from the definition of biomass included in Minn. Stat. 216B.1691: Renewable Energy Options.
They screwed up the Resolutions, mislabeling statutes” as “legislation#” or “legislative bill #” — very strange.
Anyway, I wasn’t really in the mood this morning, it was kind of hard to stomach the DFL when the headlines today state that the legislature passed, and Dayton signed, a bill that “kills some taxes for businesses.” Here’s the STrib article:
Dayton signs $444 M in tax relief; more than a million Minnesotans to see tax breaks
TAX RELIEF FOR BUSINESSES? If businesses are paying lots of taxes, they are making lots of money, and that’s after they take deductions for expenses and then some — there is NO excuse for cutting taxes for business. AAAAARGH!
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