Above is the proposed mine location, on lower left, and alternate transportation routes to a rail/barge transfer station. This is from the “Fight Against Fracking” page, just click this link!
Community Meeting
Red Wing Library
Monday April 18, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m.
Heard a while back that some gas company had bought land for big BIG money in Hay Creek Twp on both sides of Hwy. 58. HUH? Whatever for?
Recently another company, a different company, expanded a sand mine in Maiden Rock, and the sand is for use in fracking, used in drilling for natural gas. An article on that mine:
Wisconsin’s diamonds: ‘Frac sand’
Here’s a page for a fracking sand corporation that’s a subsidiary of Fairmont Minerals, parent of Wisconsin Industrial Sand Company, and which has many other companies and names too… they’ve got mines in Maiden Rock and Hager City, WI, just across the river from here:
Fairmont Minerals is in the process of expanding that mine in Maiden Rock. Here’s the Santrol Proppants product guide:
Santrol Proppants Product Guide
In Hay Creek Township, in Goodhue County, it’s supposedly Windsor Permian, which is in the gas drilling business… or as they say, “acquisition, exploration, development and production of high quality oil and gas reserves throughout the United States.” Want to learn something about them? Check their “History” page… oh… “Under Construction.” Rumor has it that Windsor Permian is owned by Wexford Capital, LLC, a hedge fund managed by Charles Eugene Davidson. I’ll keep digging.
The sand? The plan is to mine it and ship it by truck, lots of trucks, to a site along Hwy. 61 in Frontenac!
One person’s take:
Frac sand is the hot commodity right now. I understand that Bay City Mining is shipping 40 rails cars/week of frac sand with a wholesale value of $1500/ton (compared to $10/ton for pit run sand), a very lucrative prospect, especially if you are in the oil drilling/producing business.
The impact of sand mining totally depends on the alteration of water levels. In Wisconsin the Jordan is totally dry so there is no dewatering, no surface runoff from the underground mines and only a little 4 acre load-out to the rail. In other areas they need to de-water the Jordan in order to mine, usually high volume dewatering designed to lower the regional water level. Large ethanol plant wells use 1000 gallon per minute, but are nothing compared to mine dewatering and to my knowledge there is nothing in SE that has ever been attempted.
… and …
By the way by my simple estimates at $1500 a ton it would only take about 1700 dumptruck loads to pay off the purchase price and then it’s all gravy. Anyway I can’t help wondering where the wash water is going to come from AND when it’s going to end up when the “sand” is clean… Makes you wonder…
… and …
They pull the water from Jordan Aquifer. Where they have done sand frac-ing mining in Wisconsin they have totally dried up the Jordan Aquifer and even small streams in the area where the mining was taking place.
It is very possible the mining operation could dry many local wells and adversely affect the stream flow level of Hay Creek. The only thing we have going for us, is Hay Creek is a designated trout stream. Designated trout streams have special legal restrictions that apply to land use practices that might cause negative impacts on the fishery or water flow levels of the creek.
What does Goodhue County have to say about it? What authority, restrictions, conditions, requirements?
Article 14 – Mineral Extraction – Goodhue County Ordinance
Back to fracking. What is it?
WIKI ON FRACKING (Hydraulic Fracturing)
Pretty cool, in the opener, they also answer my question, what the hell is a “proppant?”
A hydraulic fracture is formed by pumping the fracturing fluid into the wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase the pressure downhole to a value in excess of the fracture gradient of the formation rock. The pressure causes the formation to crack, allowing the fracturing fluid to enter and extend the crack farther into the formation. To keep this fracture open after the injection stops, a solid proppant, commonly a sieved round sand, is added to the fracture fluid. The propped hydraulic fracture then becomes a high permeability conduit through which the formation fluids can flow to the well.
And here’s a few words from the Wiki about the sand, something that should concern those of us near any mining operation:
A potential hazard that is commonly overlooked is the venting of bulk sand silos directly to atmosphere. When they are being filled, or emptied during the fracture, a fine cloud of silica particulate will be venting directly to atmosphere. This dust has the potential to travel many kilometers on the wind directly into populated areas. While the immediate personnel are wearing personal protective equipment, families in the area of a well fracture can potentially be exposed. However, sand used for proppant is washed to remove fines and is, therefore, virtually dust free.
Fracking has utterly screwed up Pennsylvania, where gas well are covering the countryside, New York too… I’m on a natural gas drilling list that contains some of the most distressing news ever, and to think that here in Goodhue County we’re contributing to that with our sand… and we’ll pay for it in the particulates spewed about hat go into our lungs, the massive truck traffic necessary to sustain this operation… eeeeeeeeeeuw, I do NOT like the sound of this.
If you’re interested, head on over to the meeting at the library:
Community Meeting
Red Wing Library
Monday April 18, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m.