Winona County frac sand mining ban upheld
March 11th, 2020
And the good news is… the Minnesota Supreme Court has upheld Winona County’s frac sand mining ban:
Check out the court’s rejection of Minnesota Sands’ takings claim, starting on p. 26.
Frac sand fracas
November 14th, 2012
OH MY! Quite a fracas…
That’s not too surprising. I remember over in Freeborn County on the Bent Tree wind project, the yahoo doing the environmental review CUT & PASTED the Application and called it environmental review. The only thing different was the cover sheet. NO, I DON’T THINK SO!
The problem though is that local governments don’t have the expertise, staff, or budget to handle full blown environmental review on a technical and new issue. Funding is needed NOW!
Here’s the full article from Winona Post:
And here are the primary documents via the Winona County website:
Name Size archive.pst 1305510 KB Dabelstein CUP Resubmittal 09-21-2012.pdf 9351 KB EAW – Dabelstein FINAL 10-4-12.pdf 13880 KB EAW – Yoder FINAL 10-4-12.pdf 17740 KB Yoder CUP Resubmittal 09-21-2012.pdf 25615 KB
Frac sand issue ramping up in Winona
February 16th, 2012
From the Winona Daily News:
I’m buried in CapX Wisconsin right now, BUT this came across the screen, do check it out:
We have a frac sand mine proposed here, just south of Red Wing in Hay Creek, and that’s going over like a lead balloon. Same for Winona.