Soooooo, Mueller has indicted 8 Russians and Russian internet companies. Here’s the indictment.  REAL NEWS, PRIMARY SOURCE.  READ IT!


“Unwitting individuals from Trump Campaign…” cited here:

I’m waiting, looking for those “witting” individuals.  We’ll get there, I do believe.

Yes, this administration is planning to end “Temporary Protected Status” for many legally admitted/present refugees. Here’s the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Temporary Protected Status page.  They’ve been here legally for how long, and now, the rug will be pulled out from under them.

Countries covered include:

And here’s the real news of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen doing tRump’s bidding — note it’s coming from Homeland Security, this one regarding El Salvador:

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010

Nielsen Carefully Considered Conditions on the Ground

en Español

WASHINGTON— Today, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced her determination that termination of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for El Salvador was required pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act. To allow for an orderly transition, she has determined to delay the termination for 18 months. The designation will terminate on Sept. 9, 2019.

The decision to terminate TPS for El Salvador was made after a review of the disaster-related conditions upon which the country’s original designation was based and an assessment of whether those originating conditions continue to exist as required by statute. Based on careful consideration of available information, including recommendations received as part of an inter-agency consultation process, the Secretary determined that the original conditions caused by the 2001 earthquakes no longer exist. Thus, under the applicable statute, the current TPS designation must be terminated.

The Department of Homeland Security has conducted extensive outreach to Salvadoran communities throughout the country. This includes, but is not limited to, community forums on TPS, panel discussions with Salvadoran community organizers, stakeholder teleconferences, regular meetings with TPS beneficiaries, news releases to the Salvadoran community, meetings with Salvadoran government officials, meetings at local churches, and listening sessions. The Secretary met recently with the El Salvadorian Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States, and spoke with President Sánchez Cerén.

Following the 2001 earthquake, El Salvador received a significant amount of international aid to assist in its recovery efforts, including millions of dollars dedicated to emergency and long-term assistance. Many reconstruction projects have now been completed. Schools and hospitals damaged by the earthquakes have been reconstructed and repaired, homes have been rebuilt, and money has been provided for water and sanitation and to repair earthquake damaged roads and other infrastructure. The substantial disruption of living conditions caused by the earthquake no longer exist.

Additionally, in recent years, the U.S. government has been repatriating individuals back to El Salvador – more than 39,000 in the last two years – demonstrating that the temporary inability of El Salvador to adequately return their nationals after the earthquake has been addressed.

To allow for an orderly transition, the effective date of the termination of TPS for El Salvador will be delayed 18 months to provide time for individuals with TPS to arrange for their departure or to seek an alternative lawful immigration status in the United States, if eligible. Salvadorans in the United States who benefited from TPS may still receive other protections under our immigration system for which they are eligible.

The 18 months will also provide time for El Salvador to prepare for the return and reintegration of its citizens. During this timeframe, DHS will work with the Department of State and the Government of El Salvador to help educate relevant stakeholders and facilitate an orderly transition. In addition to materials posted online, DHS components will participate in outreach activities such as teleconferences, town halls and roundtables to ensure that affected populations have a full and accurate understanding of their rights and obligations.

Only Congress can legislate a permanent solution addressing the lack of an enduring lawful immigration status of those currently protected by TPS who have lived and worked in the United States for many years. The 18-month delayed termination will allow Congress time to craft a potential legislative solution.

Salvadorans with TPS will be required to re-register for TPS and apply for Employment Authorization Documents in order to legally work in the United States until the termination of El Salvador’s TPS designation becomes effective Sept. 9, 2019. Further details about this termination for TPS, including the re-registration period, will appear in a Federal Register notice. Salvadoran TPS beneficiaries should not submit re-registration applications until the re-registration period is announced through the Federal Register notice.

# # #

Each has its own notice, but some are set to expire and no notice — here’s what’s on the site:

Yes, he said this — REAL NEWS:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

And his family came from where, when conditions were what???  Granted it looks like his grandfather tried to go back to Germany and was deported, but…

Harpers Magazine: The Emigrants — Friedrich Trump

SNOPES: Did Trump’s Grandfather Beg the Government of Bavaria Not To Deport Him?

Unless you where already here when us white folks landed, unless you were brought here to live in a penal colony, unless you were brought here in chains in the belly of a slave ship, odds are you chose to come here because it looked a lot better to take the risk and than stay where you were.

In the STrib:

Trump: Why allow immigrants from ‘shithole countries’?

Trump’s ‘shithole’ comment about Haiti lends credence to report he said Haitians ‘all have AIDS’

In the Chicago Tribune:

Trump dubs Haiti, El Salvador, African nations ‘shithole countries,’ sources say

President Donald Trump on Thursday questioned why an immigration deal should help immigrants from “shithole countries” in Africa, according to two people briefed on the meeting.

The slur came in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers about a proposed bipartisan deal on immigration.

Trump made the remark after Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told Trump that under the proposal, a lottery for visas would be ended. Durbin said that in exchange, people from African countries that have benefited from that lottery would be given other access to visas.

The sources said Trump questioned why the U.S. would want to admit more people from “shithole countries.” They say Trump said the U.S. should allow more immigrants from places such as Norway.

The two people spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to publicly discuss the Oval Office meeting.

Trump included Haiti and El Salvador in his disparaging remarks, according to the Washington Post.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to the newspaper.

Also in the meeting was Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), the Post reported.

The White House did not deny that Trump used profanity in the meeting.

Spokesman Raj Shah said that while “certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries,” Trump “will always fight for the American people.”

He said Trump wants to welcome immigrants who “contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation,” and will always reject “temporary, weak and dangerous stopgap measures” that he said “threaten the lives of hardworking Americans” and undercut other immigrants.

In Illinois, one leading Democrat said the remarks show the president is a racist.

State Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, who born in Chicago to Haitian immigrants, said Trump’s comments show his “ignorance of the contributions Haitians have made to this country, as well as other immigrant nations.”

“Clearly he’s a racist. He has ignorance with regard to the history of his country and the contributions Haitians have made to this country,” Raoul said, adding Chicago was first settled by Jean-Baptist-Point Du Sable, a Haitian.

Raoul, who is running for Illinois attorney general, said an apology from the president over his comments won’t be enough.

“There’s not enough apologies that Donald Trump can do. I think this guy is unfit to be president of the United States,” Raoul said. “There’s nothing he can say that can even be received as sincere.”

Raoul said his sister Ninaj runs an organization in Brooklyn called Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees, where she works with immigrants, both documented and undocumented.

Good try, DOE Secretary Perry, but you’re outta here!  Yes, it’s true, a tRump stacked FERC said “NO!” to a proposed rule to subsidize coal and nuclear plants, generation with 90+ days of fuel on hand, outmoded generation plants that are oh-so-suffering while they try to compete in the wholesale “free market” and sinking south fast because costs of production are high and market prices are higher.  I’m shocked, utterly shocked, and very pleasantly surprised!

What did Perry ask for?  Here’s the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:

Secretary Rick Perry’s Letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Bottom line?  Gotta snort, “Now that a quorum has been restored at the Commission, I am confident…” (click for larger version):


That’s SNORT out loud… how’s that workin’ for ya, Secretary Perry?

What he thought was a slam dunk was a 5-0 rejection of preferential “out of market” treatment for certain generators.  Nope, ain’t gonna happen.

Here’s the FERC Order, straight from the horse’s mouth.  I’m most appreciative of the many articles and posts that include the primary document.  It’s crucial to be able to read the FERC Order.  This is REAL NEWS!


There are a lot of people railing and wailing about subsidies these days, but it’s very lopsided, and I’m not hearing the complaints about all the subsidies of coal and nuclear.  If you want to complain about subsidies, slash them across the board.  “Free market” right, the essence of capitalism, right?

Whew! Another federal judge comes down on the tRump Travel Ban, and grants a narrow injunction.  Read it here:

17-17168_9th Circuit Hawaii_Travel Ban 3.0