Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  I feel Pope Francis’ pain…  Can we trade the Pope for tRump?  Please?

From NPR:

‘He Is Something’: Trump Visits Pope Francis At The Vatican

And dig this, from the NPR report:

“At the end of the audience, the pope gave Trump copies of his writings,” NPR’s Sylvia Poggioli reports from Rome, “including his encyclical on climate change — a topic on which Trump has a very different opinion.”

To the guy who doesn’t read.  If only he would.  Here are a couple of prior posts about The Pope:

Pope Francis hits it over the fence!

Rep. OH Gov. Kasich & Pope on Trump


The corruption and collusion of tRump — the tip of the iceberg.

REAL NEWS: Senate has requested financial information on tRump from the Department of Treasury, and will get it.

First on CNN: Senate Russia investigators ask Treasury for Trump team financial information

Russia Probe: Senate Requests Documents From Money-Laundering Agency

Treasury’s financial intel unit to turn over financial records to Senate for Trump-Russia probe

The Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network:

A Treasury Department unit that specializes in combating money-laundering will share financial records with an expanding Senate probe into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, according to people familiar with the matter.

That’s appropriate, as it was the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that nailed Trump for money laundering — here’s the Settlement Order that was accepted by the Delaware Bankruptcy Court — read this to get the details and an idea of the magnitude of the violations:

Settlement: 3/2/2015: In the Matter of Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort

This was public information — do explain — WHY WAS THIS NOT AN ISSUE IN THE ELECTION?

It was not the first time Trump’s casino was nailed for money laundering violations:


Just for the record, here’s the tRump casino’s Comment on Rulemaking to Treasury:

5/22/2006 – Comment Letters Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – Proposed Amendments to Bank Secrecy Act Regulations regarding Casino Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements – 31 CFR Part 103 RIN 1506-AA84 – 71 FR 14129-14132

… it’s BAAAAAACK!  The screenshot of tRump’s “Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration” above has been on tRump’s campaign website since forever… and has been posted through his signing of Executive Order 13769 and Executive Order 13780.

It’s been posted through federal court pleadings and hearings, used as evidence of his intent on banning Muslim immigration:


TRO as Filed


MD Federal Court_Trump EO13780

I’ve been watching this page, because I couldn’t believe the arrogance, the obliviousness, of leaving that page up, whatever are they thinking?  Today, special thanks to Mary Turck, who noted that it was removed yesterday.  The day before today’s hearing on the Executive Order, sometime before 21:36:59 yesterday.  Good grief!  That isn’t going to make it go away.  Ever hear of the Wayback Machine?  DOH!  Screenshot time!

Stupid.  Bigly stupid, SO stupid.

Hot of the press, the WHite House briefing with Spicey and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin:


May 15th at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time

Save the date — it’s the Oral Arguments in Hawaii’s 9th Circuit:

17-15589 State of Hawaii v. Donald Trump – Appeal by the United States government of the district court’s preliminary injunction enjoining enforcement of provisions of Executive Order No. 13,780. [1:17-cv-00050-DKW-KSC]

May 15th at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time

You can listen at the federal court site HERE, and CNN has been granted pool status to broadcast and distribute to other outlets.

Keep in mind that the Temporary Restraining Order was issued based on threshold that the Plaintiff’s would likely prevail on the merits, and conversely, that Trump would likely not prevail on the merits.  Here’s the Hawaii federal court order being appealed:

Judge Derrik Watson_Hawaii Federal District Court_06112723217_TRO

Read it before you watch the hearing — note the high threshold for a Restraining Order — and note the discussion of likelihood of winning on the merits.  This is important!

Also FYI, there was a request for a 9th Circuit en banc hearing which was not approved by the court.

Thus far in court, tRump’s been a loser — both of his Muslim ban Executive Orders, the Executive Order regarding fiduciary duty of financial planners, an Inspector General investigation of his pulling advertisements and outreach for Obamacare enrollment…  Let’s keep this trend going.

Here’s my earlier post about this case: