Minnesota Senator Osmek is convening a Senate Energy Committee meeting in Rochester this evening to discuss a DRAFT bill SC5558-6:

6 p.m. on January 15, 2020

Rochester Community and Technical College

Heintz Center Commons

1926 College View Rd E

Rochester, MN 55904

Here’s the letter I just fired off to Committee members:

Be there or be square!

NRG’s Corneli in the news!

March 22nd, 2010


A little birdie told me about this…

How can Corneli say the word “sequestration” with a straight face?

I ran into an NRG PR flak a couple weeks ago at the Indian River closing of Unit 3 meeting, and I made sure to tell him how much I appreciated NRG’s Steve Corneli’s work when he was an Asst. A.G. and singlehandedly, well, almost, stopped deregulation in Minnesota.. and to think he now works for NRG. SNORT!

Corneli on Stranded Assets

If only we had people representing the public interest with that enthusiasm these days… A.G. Lori Swanson didn’t learn nearly enough from Hatch. And Corneli, on the other hand, sold his soul…