Chronically wasted deer numbers “soaring”
January 1st, 2025
In the StarTribune today:
Soaring CWD numbers in southeastern Minnesota prompt DNR to stop culling deer
Here’s the STrib’s map below — this map might be from just this year’s testing?
I’ve been tracking chronic wasting disease in deer for a while, right up there with bovine spungiform encephalophy (BSE, “mad cow”) sheep scrapie, even in pigs, and of course Creutzfeld-Jakob in humans (ages ago, it was also Jakob-Creutzfeld). This came to my attention in the late 1990s, when a swimming coach at Northfield high school died of Jakob-Creutzfeld.
- Of mad cows and pissy deer… September 15, 2005
- Downer cows = Mad Cow disease? February 11th, 2008
- Mad Cow Beef & MN Dept of Education February 11th, 2008
- They’re actually saying “MAD COW” February 19th, 2008
- Creutzfeld-Jakob variant – 4th declared case June 6th, 2014
- More CWD (chronically wasted deer) in MN December 30th, 2016
And then there’s all the elk at Elk Run:
Sharpshooters begin destroying elk herd
What does CWD mean to Elk Run development?
From, a detailed source of info which seems up to date:
Preliminary Test Identifies CWD-Positive Wild Deer in Southeast Minnesota
MN – News release: CWD confirmed in a wild deer near Wheaton in western Minnesota
Here’s the map:
And reason for concern among hunters:
2 hunters may have died of prion disease from eating contaminated deer meat, researchers say
Deaths of three men prompt Wisconsin to look for connection to fatal brain disease in deer
Goodhue Wind files application
October 26th, 2009
Here we go… Goodhue Wind, LLC has filed an application.
To see the docket, go to and search for docket “08-1233.”
It came in the mail today, and I looked at the service list, and I don’t think these guys are very interested in public relations or being good neighbors.
I’m the only non-industry wonk on the service list, no one, not one of the many people who have expressed interest in this project, not one of the many people in the area who have filed comments on various dockets, not one of the many people who attended the wind meeting in Wanamingo a few months ago, NONE were included on the service list.
Let’s see, they first filed this sucker a year ago… and now they’re getting around to filing an amended application.
I’ll post links here soon…
Some of those are pretty big, and the “B-F” wouldn’t reduce, so it’s a link. Oh well…