Camping season is winding down

October 16th, 2018

Greetings from my office in Myre-Big Island State Park!  It’s the perfect place for a client meeting, and a meeting with a local attorney, drafting a Petition for Reconsideration… nothing like having a fully equipped office with wheels!  The downside is that there’s a season where it works, and a season where it doesn’t — for sure it does not work in the dead of winter.

We’re getting to the end of the season, it came to an end too quickly.  There was about an inch of snow here, it rained/sleeted/snowed all night Friday and all day Saturay.  Sunday morning people cleared out of here like it was on fire.  Our furnace and little heater kept up well, and one down comforter was sufficient!

Cooking was kinda rough the first two days, but washing dishes was worse!  Then today arrived and the sun was out and it was beautiful!

Sadie got to play with her “cousin” Sandie at the dog park two days running, and she was a happy, pooped, and socialist puppy!  They’re getting along quite well, but Sandie is… well… a PUPPY!  She’s now bigger than Sadie, plump and jiggly, whereas Sadie is for sure greyhound style.

Got to see little bro’s “new” house, and, well, it’s a good thing he didn’t get the first one he told me about down there, Hwy 13 in Hartland, right near Bernie and Cheryl Hagen and right in Bent Tree!  DON’T YOU DARE!  I sent Alan and Sadie out to play while I was writing, and there was some serious bonding going on the first day at the dog park and Home Depot.  A few mods to the camper, we now have two more stable tables, and a new outlet where the camper was designed for an air conditioner plug, so running little electric heater and oven or tea kettle at the same time is no problem.  One less thing to think about.  It was odd, there were two circuits, everything was on one, and nothing on the other, but all set up and ready to run, just needed an outlet. Who needs an air conditioner, particularly in a camper!  But we all need another outlet, eh?

Only one more meeting to go, and then homeward bound!



Alan tells me there are no photos of our cats on Legalectric!  How can that be?  Here’s Maggie (the tortise) and Thor (white with grey) the day we got them, just after their much needed bath.  That was November 1 or so, the neighbors were moving and had all these kittens… I’d met their mother when she came over to our 100-mile garage sale and spent the day hanging out with us:

I’d put food out for her on the deck, put out a basket for her to lounge in, and wanted to bring her in to be spayed, because she was “living” in their little storage shed, but I couldn’t take that on then.  Drat, because maybe four months later, there were kittens running around.  Then they had to move, and had all these kittens, then it was down to two, and I saw one on one of the city’s fb pages, recognized the houses in the background, went over with a cat carrier.  They stayed in Summer’s HUGE dog crate for 2 weeks as they and the dog adjusted:

Next thing you know, Little Sadie has two new friends:

And then phone had “catastrophic failure” and there went all the photos!  … sigh… yes, CATastrophic, off into the interwebs.  Disaster… cute photos gone. Oh well, plenty more around.


Over 640 Xcel Energy customers (households, businesses) are without power here in Red Wing this morning after the storms came whipping through here yesterday afternoon.  Ours was out for a while, maybe an hour, and then back on.  Towards the west end of town, that’s another story, and they’re still without power.

Xcel Energy Outage Map

From the map, it looks like Eau Claire was very hard hit, with 2,300+ customers still without power.

The Dogometer predicted a bad storm about half an hour before it hit, evident when she firmly assumed the position under my desk.  Now she’s back to normal.



Pack time!

May 11th, 2011


Summer is doing so well, she’s got the “going outside” thing down, has learned “sit” and “wait” and is working on “down” (on command, she spends a lot of time in “down” naturally), and is working things out with Kady.  Right now, all three are surrounding my chair, black and tan office rug, even Sadie, who usually spends the day upstairs with Alan.

Three dogs take a lot of time, especially if they’re not on the same schedule.  Here they are today, in sync!  Summer’s first walk on a Gentle Leader, she’s a lot peppier than we expected, and she’ll be doing some walking in her old age.  What a relief!!!

Our new BLOB!

September 30th, 2010


Alan noticed that I haven’t posted photos of our new grrrrrrrl.   Can that be?  We got her just over a month ago, and she’s not at all what I expected, we weren’t looking for a dog, and I was glad to only have one, and an easy one at that.    Kady is just the best doggy around.  But when I took a dog down to Dog Days of Stockholm, well, there she was, head on my shoulder the whole way and how could I bring a dog like that back to the shelter?  Sadie, that’s her name from the shelter, and with Kady it gets confusing.   She’s small, mostly black/chocolate lab, just 50 lbs, and 50 lbs of solid muscle.  At 10 months now, won’t get much bigger.


She eats everything, but especially toilet paper, full rolls, and electrical cords plugged in, shoes, and one of the couches, and has helped us pull up the “Kenya” rug in the living and dining room.  Oh, and she ate a library book.  Not good.  Other than that, she is a delight, and keeps us hopping.

Here are a couple from my phone, sitting on the “poop deck” at my office door,  and in the office, they don’t convey her spirit at all…  More to follow — I got a new camera after having lost the other one I’ve had for so long… though it might be in the boat, or Washington, or left at the PUC or some meeting or other…



She’s “the BLOB” based on the extensive previous and extensive older shep with new lab mix experiences of our dear friend Sierra on Doggyspace!