New cats? Gotta post on Legalectric!
April 27th, 2017
Alan tells me there are no photos of our cats on Legalectric! How can that be? Here’s Maggie (the tortise) and Thor (white with grey) the day we got them, just after their much needed bath. That was November 1 or so, the neighbors were moving and had all these kittens… I’d met their mother when she came over to our 100-mile garage sale and spent the day hanging out with us:
I’d put food out for her on the deck, put out a basket for her to lounge in, and wanted to bring her in to be spayed, because she was “living” in their little storage shed, but I couldn’t take that on then. Drat, because maybe four months later, there were kittens running around. Then they had to move, and had all these kittens, then it was down to two, and I saw one on one of the city’s fb pages, recognized the houses in the background, went over with a cat carrier. They stayed in Summer’s HUGE dog crate for 2 weeks as they and the dog adjusted:
Next thing you know, Little Sadie has two new friends:
And then phone had “catastrophic failure” and there went all the photos! … sigh… yes, CATastrophic, off into the interwebs. Disaster… cute photos gone. Oh well, plenty more around.
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