Due TODAY — Comments on HERC
September 11th, 2017
Get to it, folks. Comments are due TODAY! Here’s mine, and Alan’s, just filed:
in eDockets, go here to register, it’s quick, it’s easy, and you can post on Public Utilities Commission’s eDockets system.
On what? Xcel Energy’s latest plan (part of) to terminate and/or amend outrageously high priced Power Purchase Agreements on incinerators across Minnesota.
Comment period on HERC PPA Amendment
Just filed — hot off the press:
And check what Commerce DER is at long last admitting, that there’s a generation surplus and transmission is for export:
Not only is there no need, BUT THERE IS NO NEED FOR MINNESOTANS TO PAY FOR MORE TRANSMISSION! But that’s an argument for another day, another docket…
Here’s another snippet:
And check this conclusion reached by MN’s Dept of Commerce – DER in its first round of comments — that Xcel is double dipping:
Here are the DER Comments:
And Comments of Hennepin County:
From Hennepin County:
Comment period on HERC PPA Amendment
August 22nd, 2017
That’s the HERC garbage burner, known to some as the “Hennepin Energy Recovery Center.” It’s right next to the new baseball field, so I made a “HERC Hanky” as schnozz cover in the stands.
Xcel now wants to revise the HERC Power Purchase Agreement and lower the price it pays HERC for electricity.
Hmmmmm, changing the rules in the middle of the game. Burning garbage has never been an economically winning proposition. Cut the rate? What will that mean for Hennepin County? As of a few minutes ago, the Public Utilities Commission announced a comment period on this change:
Comments? About what?
Initial Comments are due by 4:30 p.m. on September 11, 2017. eFiling is preferred. To eFile comments, go HERE TO REGISTER. It’s simple and fast. When you file, file under docket number 17 – 532 (that’s 17 for “year” and 532 for “docket number”)
Note the Commission asks, “Are there other project-related issues or concerns?” Well, what’s wrong with HERC and burning? For a long time this has been an issue for Neighbors Organizing for Change, Neighbors Against the Burner, Minneapolis Neighbors for Clean Air (wayback version), and the Sierra Club and the push to increase tonnage burned was successfully brought to a screeching halt by these groups and the folks of Minneapolis! You can find some general information at Alan Muller’s site. Alan reports that the HERC air permit expired something like 8 years ago, not uncommon. Most Minnesota air permits are expired and the MPCA isn’t doing much about it.
Some specifics on the tonnage burning increase request that was foiled:
Remember this? “The Burning Question” way back in 2013? Let’s get real, burning garbage isn’t a question!!!
Tuesday 9/17 – Dr. Paul Connett at Mayflower Church
Who is paying attention to this now?
What do the Benson turkey shit burning plant, the HERC garbage burner, and a couple other plants have in common? The have Power Purchase Agreements that Xcel wants to get out of or modify in its favor. Funny how that works. These things were bad from the get to, make no economic sense except to those selling what little power is generated. Now, it appears that Xcel Energy (and therefore us, Xcel’s customers), is tired of being screwed and are not going to take it anymore!
What’s Xcel Energy’s view of these Petitions? To save money, of course, and it looks to be about $53.1 million annually.
These Petitions were filed just now by Xcel Energy:
With a $20 million kicker to the City of Benson, here’s what Xcel Energy plans to do, including demolition of the plant:
Next up? The Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) garbage burner:
The plan for HERC? Cut the PPA amount, by how much, we don’t know, it’s all “PROTECTED DATA” and top secret:
What does that mean for Hennepin County? The HERC garbage burner has never been a money maker, and has always been a money loser. So now what? Does it make any sense to keep it open, or is it time to shut it down? Allow me to rephrase… is there any reason to keep it open? Seems like this is a convenient time to close it. Neighbors Against The Burner, are you listening?
Next up? Pine Bend, another “waste-to-energy” garbage burner, and another PPA that Xcel Energy wants to terminate:
And about the Sherco site and moving part of Northern Metals operation to the Sherco site, and that’s not all they want to do:
The point of this Sherco Petition?
And last but not least, a sale of assets to Flint Hills:
Red Wing Incinerator is BURNING!!!
June 7th, 2017
So I see this notice, and run downstairs, “Alan, we’ve got to move!” and we hustled over to the “Solid Waste Campus,” and at the Bench Street intersection, waiting for the light, a fire truck comes roaring up, I quick take a left and scoot over to the right to let them through, it’s Lake City. Yeah, this must be some “active emergency fire situation.” And sure enough, I pulled over, got out, and got a few shots until I was shooed away. This is what we first saw, just as the sun was setting, about 9:15 p.m.:
KTTC from Rochester was there too, and here’s their report:
Fire breaks out in Red Wing incinerator
Posted: Jun 07, 2017 9:47 PM CST
MPCA’s THREE Red Wing Ash releases today
December 5th, 2016
OK, time to get to it. There were THREE releases from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency today related to the Red Wing/Xcel Energy/Lab USA ash mining project. THREE!
The ash mining project’s EAW:
Public notice period: 12-5-16 to 1-4-17; Project manager: Kevin Kain
And two solid waste draft permits, first NSP’s ash landfill:
Open for public comment through Thursday, January 5, 2017
And one for Lab USA (modify and reissue? Hmmmm…):
Intent to Modify and Reissue an Existing Solid Waste Facility Permit to Lab USA’s Ash Processing Facility – Red Wing
Open for public comment through Thursday, January 5, 2017
There’s a meeting at the Red Wing library on Wednesday, from 5-7 p.m. about the Lab USA EAW, but what about the permits?