UPDATE! House Trial Brief and tRump Answer.

Read the House brief, even just flip through the pages, to get a sense of the specifics, and there are specifics here, citations, evidence, etc., it’s intense and thorough.

Then read the tRump team Answer:

Not a single citation to law or evidence in the record. But statements like this:

Senator Ron Johnson reported that, when he asked the President whether there was any connection between security assistance and investigations, the President responded: “No way. I would never do that.”

And just before that, the famous lines:

“I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo.”

That “Answer” wouldn’t get a passing grade in Jr. High Civics, much less any law school.

tRump’s latest survey!

March 11th, 2018

tRump’s latest email survey (which as always is followed by an ask, presumably to pay his mounting legal bills).  I love to give him a piece of my mind, but what I don’t understand is why they keep me on the list.  The money begging emails are daily, sometimes twice daily.  Heard he was hiring impeachment counsel, has that happened?

Who would give money to this grifter?  DOH!


Listening to America 2018



Contact each member of the House Judiciary Committee and ask them to pass House Resolution 111!  What?!?!  Why?!?!?! Because this is really important!!!

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee takes up House Resolution 111, which requests from the Office of the Attorney General any and all documents related to tRump’s “financial practices” — the requests are specified in great detail, check it out:

House Resolution 111

Tell each member of the Judiciary Committee to vote YES on House Resolution 111.  Call the Republicans at top of list:

House Judiciary_ALL Phone Numbers – Making it easy!!

Their contact page may restrict it to constituents, but remember that when they’re on a committee, they’re representing US, not just their constituents.  Maybe it will take phone calls, well worth your effort.

The Resolution is a step to hold tRump accountable, to disclose information about any criminal or counterintelligence investiation, any investment by foreign governments in tRump, tRump’s interests in businesses, profits from foreign governments use of his hotels or business holdings, Foreign Emoluments Clause, and about conflicts of interest.

This has been called the first step towards impeachment.  I regard it as the first, and very necessary, step toward accountability.  Turn up the heat.  Call today, tonight, just do it!