turbine2close2houseThis Thursday, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission takes up our many Motions for Reconsideration.

PUC Notice of November 10, 2011 Meeting

Thursday, November 10, 2011

(not to be heard before 10:00 a.m.)

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission

3rd Floor Large Hearing Room

121 – 7th Place East

St. Paul, Minnesota

Here are the ones that I filed for Goodhue Wind Truth:

GWT – Reconsideration – Certificate of Need

GWT – Reconsideration – Site Permit

Just out are the:

Staff Briefing Papers

awagoodhuepuc-53Above, Chuck Burdick with attorney Todd Guerrero arguing at PUC last November.

Today Exceptions to the Report of the Administrative Law Judge were due in the AWA Goodhue docket.

First, the ALJ’s Recommendation:

Recommendation to PUC on AWA Goodhue Wind docket

And now for the Exceptions:

Goodhue Wind Truth – Exceptions

Goodhue County – Exceptions

Belle Creek Township – Exceptions

Coalition for Sensible Siting – Exceptions

Dept of Natural Resources – Exceptions

AWA Goodhue – Exceptions