I be bummin’ over having to cancel two long awaited and intensely planned and saved and paid for trips, though clearly Alan’s Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia is even more of a bummer. And the good news is he’s out of the hospital, feeling good, and not wiped out by the treatments, AATRA and arseic treatments that will be ongoing until ? February probably.

The ATRA is just oral meds, and it’s not debilitating, no discomfort, apparently no side effects. Treatment alternates between 2 weeks of daily ATRA at home, and then 2 weeks of daily arsenic at RW Mayo, so we’re going to try camping on an ATRA time, and see how that goes. Then, as we get into the groove, perhaps more, though for sure we can’t afford long trips, the side effects of costs ARE debilitating.

Took the plunge and booked a site.

Haven’t stayed in Frontenac for a LONG time. Site 32, last September:

And spur of the moment over Xmas 2021 in the hybrid, that was a hoot:

Close to home, and short time, should be workable. We shall see…

Winter Camping in MN State Parks

December 25th, 2021

Minneopa, Halloween weekend 2017

Minnesota has many state parks open for winter camping — Frontenac State Park, where we are now, is one:

We’ve not done winter camping, and I’ve been watching videos about tent camping to get the hang of it before we try tenting in earnest. A 3 week trip is planned, but NOT in winter.

EEEEK, I’ll pass on a tent in that weather.

So far, we’ve only taken three cold weather trips, all around Halloween to get away, and both were pretty cold. The worst was in Minneopa, 2017, above, where the temp was 20s to low 30s, but the wind was just awful. We had propane heat, and a little space heater because we had an electric site, and the pup held heat pretty well:

Little Sadie would beg to differ:

Took maiden voyage in the Starcraft hybrid to Wisconsin, Potawatomi State Park and Pt. Beach Forest, and the van kept having severe problems, and it was no fun at all. First it was stalling and dying, took 2 days to figure it out:

… then electrical problems:

But the weather was PERFECT!

This year for Halloween, we went to William O’Brien State Park, and it was chilly, but not bad, because it was SUNNY, which always helps.

I’d looked about a month ago for Minnesota camping, and yes, I know that Halloween is NOT “winter.” Google found a DNR “Winter Camping” page but “404,” so I shot off an email, and now the page is working. Here’s the map with winter camping in Minnesota State Parks:


And the DNR page on “Winter Camping” here.

From the looks of Frontenac today, we’re the only ones here, and I’m thinking reservations in winter aren’t anywhere as difficult to get as in summer, particularly in COVID. On the other hand, Tettegouche does show reserved sites, so book way in advance if you’re wanting a site.

I just can’t see winter camping in a tent, unless it’s a “4 season” tent with an electric heater inside, just no way!

Time to fire up the stove out there, I hear turkey soup calling!

Draz, kill the amendment..

March 26th, 2011


I’ve seen some bizarre bills over the years, but mandating logging in our state parks here in Southeast Minnesota has got to be one of the worst.  Who put it in?  Rep. Steve Drazkowski… EARTH TO MARS — PULL THE AMENDMENT… what more to say?

House Committee Minutes – p. 1035


Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.05, subdivision 2, or any other law to the contrary, the commissioner of natural resources shall assess the black walnut and other timber resources in Frontenac State Park and Whitewater State Park, harvest the black walnut and timber resources suitable for harvest, and deposit the proceeds from the sale into the state parks account in the natural resources fund by June 30, 2013.

From Bluestem Prairie, with a link to a great Op Ed from Mankato Free Press:

Only God can make a tree, but stupid ideas are left for the Draz to introduce

This posting drew this comment from a reader who was there:

I sat in on the House Environment evening 
session on March 16.  Some time after Lee 
Frelich offered his testimony Drazkowski 
went on a little rant about global warming 
and invasives.  I recall his remarks as being 
"Climate change, SO WHAT.  Invasives, SO WHAT."  
My notes probably don't have the wording exact 
but his "so whats" were so contemptuous that 
they stuck in my memory.  I'm pretty sure the 
meeting is recorded so his voice should be 
available but I don't know if the camera was on him.

I recall some ancient philosopher's prayer as 
being "O Lord, please make my enemies ridiculous."  
We've been granted ridiculous enemies.  I just 
wish they didn't have the majority in the legislature.

Here’s his contact info – tell him what you think:

651-296-2273  and  507-843-3711

E-mail: rep.steve.drazkowski@house.mn

Next it goes to Ways and Means, so contact all the members, just cut and paste the addresses below:
































