Court says NO to asylum rule
August 4th, 2019
Remember tRump’s asylum rule, released and effective the same day?
Official release in Federal Register 7/16/2019
And the the following day:
ACLU sues on asylum rule
And now, for the Court’s Order, in the D.C. Circuit, the bottom line:
Trump rule restricting asylum seekers struck down by court
From the opinion:
Here’s the full Order:
What’s really bothering me about this is that these overbroad tRUmp pipedreams are issued, and over and over and over, each of them MUST be challenged, because if not challenged, they stand. What a waste of time and resources. Oh well. tRump shot down on this one too!
Roy Moore’s Pathetic Federal Complaint
December 29th, 2017
Here’s the Complaint filed by Roy Moore, looking for a Temporary Restraining Order, a Preliminary Injunction, and a new election:
Here’s his first demand:
How’s that workin’ for ya, Roy? The Alabama Secretary of State has certified the election results, and you are the loser:
And this, as part of the Complaint, good grief, stupid is as stupid does… this guy might as well go be a dishwasher at the local greasy spoon:
Well, at least Moore is consistent in his riding “style.” Looks like he’s ready for a Lazy-Roy saddle.
tRump “disappears” evidence of intent, but…
May 9th, 2017
… it’s BAAAAAACK! The screenshot of tRump’s “Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration” above has been on tRump’s campaign website since forever… and has been posted through his signing of Executive Order 13769 and Executive Order 13780.
It’s been posted through federal court pleadings and hearings, used as evidence of his intent on banning Muslim immigration:
I’ve been watching this page, because I couldn’t believe the arrogance, the obliviousness, of leaving that page up, whatever are they thinking? Today, special thanks to Mary Turck, who noted that it was removed yesterday. The day before today’s hearing on the Executive Order, sometime before 21:36:59 yesterday. Good grief! That isn’t going to make it go away. Ever hear of the Wayback Machine? DOH! Screenshot time!
Stupid. Bigly stupid, SO stupid.
Nationwide — Hawaii judge stops tRump’s revised E.O. travel ban
March 15th, 2017
There are a few articles, but I cannot find the 40+ page court order! Looking… FOUND IT!!
Judge Derrik Watson_Hawaii Federal District Court_06112723217_TRO
Bottom line:
And some articles:
Federal Judge in Hawaii Puts Trump Travel Ban on Hold
Federal Judge in Hawaii Puts Trump’s New Travel Ban on Hold
Federal judge in Hawaii puts revised Trump travel ban on hold
Federal judge in Hawaii puts Trump travel ban on hold
Found it, what a great decision. And what a loser tRump is!
tRump loses again – Court upholds Restraining Order
February 9th, 2017
Here it is, the Court Order:
17-35105_Upholds Restraining Order
Tell the White House what you think of tRump’s Executive Order 13769 Muslim Ban: