Those supporting Trump, do consider the words and advice of Republican Ohio Gov. Kasich and the Pope, links below.

The Republicans could have had a viable candidate in Ohio Gov. Kasich, but noooooooo.  The good news is that Drumpf doesn’t have the votes to win tomorrow. Yesterday, he showed his hateful rejection of refugees, his plan to stop immigration, and it elicited cheers from the crowd — what would those supporters’ grandparents think of his vitrolic statements. I listened to the entire speech, if you could call it that — he used such disjointed, repetitive hook-laden inflammatory words, started with a bashing of the organizers of the event, outright lies saying Clinton wants to cut Social Security and Medicare — where does he get these ideas? It was also painful to listen to because he cannot speak, it was stream of (un)consciousness where he’d jump on one topic and just throw words out, and suddenly jump to another. I wish there were transcripts of his “speeches” to analyze, because I’d think, I’d hope, that supporters would try to make sense of what he says, because it can’t be done. There’s no substance. Only incendiary jumbled rhetoric of code words repeated over and over.

The Pope had a few things to say about this candidate recently:

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not the gospel,” the Pope told journalists who asked his opinion on Trump’s proposals to halt illegal immigration.

“I say only that this man is not a Christian if he thinks like that.”

Trump’s responded, of course, he is unable to restrain himself, and he responded lashing out, not an ounce of reflection.

From Time on yesterday’s Trump visit:

“Here in Minnesota you have seen firsthand the problems caused with faulty refugee vetting, with large numbers of Somali refugees coming into your state, without your knowledge, without your support or approval,” Trump said at a Minneapolis rally Sunday afternoon.He said his administration would suspend the Syrian refugee program and not resettle refugees anywhere in the United States without support from the communities, while Hillary Clinton’s “plan will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities.”

Kasich has for a while been alerting voters about Trump’s failings, his shortcomings, and how unqualified and dangerous Trump is — that he is not fit or qualified to be President. A former POW says it well in this new Kasich ad about Drumpf:

Alan Muller on Bloomgate

November 5th, 2016

Bloomgate is distraction from Del.’s energy challenges

The Oct. 30 feature on Bloomgate and the responses generated have been informative, but not so much about the central purpose of subsidizing “renewable energy.”

The point of renewable energy quotas and subsidies is to increase the use of low-carbon electricity sources. This should be an urgent policy goal for Delaware, as carbon emissions to the atmosphere drive climate change and the resulting sea-level rise. Delaware, one of the two lowest-lying states and with climate dependent industries such as agriculture and tourism, is extra vulnerable to the effects of global warming. For a long time, Green Delaware has been arguing that our state should be a leader in pushing for solutions to climate change, but there has been little response from Delaware leaders, in thrall as most of them seem to be to industrial special interests.

The Bloom fuel cells are fueled by natural gas, a fossil, not a renewable fuel. Their efficiency in generating electricity from natural gas appears to be roughly comparable to the best combined-cycle thermal power plants. Bloom claims its fuel cell emissions are lower carbon than the coal-dominated “PJM” grid energy mix. The flaw in this argument is that natural gas, while lower carbon emitting at the point of use, is probably not lower carbon than coal overall, unless we disregard the emissions associated with extracting and transporting natural gas, not to mention the nightmare that fracking has created for many communities.

It also appears that, contrary to claims made during Coastal Zone Act permitting, that the Bloom fuel cells produce significant amounts of hazardous waste. The state of New Jersey has withdrawn subsidies for fuel cell electricity generation, and the California Public Utilities Commission staff recommended likewise.

To the extent that Bloomgate enables Delmarva Power to meet its renewable quotas with fossil fuels, instead of fuels that are truly low carbon, such as wind and solar, the point of the renewable quota is defeated and climate change at least slightly accelerated. I do not know how aware the Markell administration was of these underlying realities, or if it cared, as the administration has not displayed great technical sophistication or procedural transparency. The General Assembly and the Public Service Commission have done no better.

What is certain is that Mother Nature does not care about Delaware politics – or Delaware schemes and scams. Our planet will keep on heating up regardless, unless and until we take meaningful steps to reduce climate-forcing emissions to the atmosphere.

Green Delaware has been following energy policy in Delaware since the early 1990s. It appears that Delmarva Power is making less of a contribution now than it was then. The so-called Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility appears to have been cooked up primarily to get Delmarva Power off the hook. It is possible that the SEU is finally beginning to function effectively. We hope so, but critical years of progress have been lost.

The critical need is to transition to very low carbon energy systems. The good news is that we can do it. The wholesale cost of wind power is on the order of 2-3 cents for a kilowatt hour. The cost of solar electricity is still higher than on-shore wind but dropping steadily. Storage systems can address the wind and solar generation. Investment on the demand side is an available and cost-effective option, but will not be widely implemented if energy policy remains under the control of utilities in the business of selling more, not less, electricity.

The good news for utilities is that the widespread use of electric vehicles is on the near-term horizon and this has great potential to increase electricity use while curtailing the use of diesel fuel and gasoline. This is the most credible scenario for leaving the oil and the gas in the ground, where it needs to stay while maintaining a transportation infrastructure.

Bloomgate is a ripoff of Delmarva Power ratepayers and bad energy policy. Worse, it is a distraction from what we need to be doing. The Bloomgate utility bill surcharges should be removed and the existing installations made to stand on their own if they can. It is not so hard to envision an energy policy for Delaware that would put the long-term future of the state – and the interests of residents – first. But how to get there from here, given the limitations of our political system, is less obvious.

Alan Muller is the executive director of Green Delaware.

4 days…

November 4th, 2016


As this election approaches, I’m thinking of my mother, a forever Democrat who supported Shirley Chisholm’s presidential run, Harry Davis for Mayor, and who would have loved to be able to vote for a woman for president, although “voting for a woman” wouldn’t be the determining factor.  She was independent long before that was accepted in polite society, struggled against societal constraints, joined the army and worked her way through college, a B.S. in nursing, licensed R.N., and was working towards her Masters in Nursing Administration (until my father said “No wife of mine is going to work,” which stopped her for a while, to long.).  She organized the hospital for a mining company out east after the war ended, and then moved back to the Midwest and back to the U of M.  She would joyfully vote for Clinton.


My father, on the other hand, was an old school Republican, who supported Nixon, who loved Reagan, but maybe our 70s dinner-table “discussions” had some impact, because during Bush II, he took up giving the finger to the TV every time Bush was on.  He so disliked Bush’s war, both of the Bush’s wars, and thought Bush II was an idiot.  The 2016 election?  There is no way my Republican father would have supported Trump, just too crass, hateful, and hypocritical.  I’m sure dear ol’ dad would hold his nose and vote for Clinton, because “NO TRUMP” is not an option on the ballot. And I’m sure that many dyed-in-the-wool Republicans will do the same.

David Overland, what do you think?



UPDATE: When this was posted at 10:32 a.m. yesterday there was N-O-T-H-I-N-G on #bluelivesmatter, nothing at all, not on twitter, not on facebook.  Nothing reporting that the shooting that had happened, and nothing on the capture of Scott Michael Greene.  N-O-T-H-I-N-G!  It was “noticed” over and over on the twitterverse.  What was there elsewhere were statements blaming BLM and Muslims for the assassinations.  And now there are posts on #bluelivesmatter on facebook ($50 says a couple are backdated) And many commenters are blaming Obama!  How does that happen?  In what world does that make any sense?


UPDATE: Judge ordered Des Moines shooting suspect to move out of mom’s home

UPDATE: Police shooter a ‘monster,’ Des Moines police chief says



#bluelivesmatter is silent…

Two police officers were shot in Iowa early this a.m., and immediately, the wingnut twitter universe started in with declarations that this was a #blacklivesmatters and/or Islamic terrorist act.  NOT!  Thankfully the Des Moines police almost as quickly had named Scott Michael Greene as a suspect, and he was arrested quickly, without incident, by a DNR officer.

Another white male domestic terrorist.  This is Scott Michael Greene at the Urbandale High School stadium, waving around a Confederate flag during the National Anthem, despite Urbandale HS prohibitions of Confederate flags.  This is the sort of thing that Trump and his campaign have encouraged, with actions, statements at campaign rallies, and endorsements by KKK, David Duke, and others, they’ve given free rein, free reign, to hate.  Folks, NO, it’s not OK.


Here’s his house at 3422 70th St., Urbandale, IA (confirmed on Google maps, where it looks like he’s out mowing his lawn!):


Scott Michael Green was a time bomb.  He’s a known problem.  Seems Greene was arrested in 2001 on charges of domestic assault, assault causing bodily injury and fourth-degree criminal mischief and charged with drunken driving in 2010 (needs confirmation).  He was charged with first-degree harassment in 2014.  Details on Greene’s 2014 arrests here:

Scott Michael Green was convicted in combative 2014 encounters

In that incident, Greene was accused of approaching a man in the parking lot and shined a flashlight in his eyes. Greene, who lived in the apartments, called the man the N-word and told the man “I will kill you, (expletive) kill you,” according to the complaint. Greene pleaded guilty to a lesser harassment charge on June 30, 2014, and was sentenced to one year of probation.

In a discharge report filed in June 2015 a probation officer wrote that Greene had received a mental health evaluation and “reports to have complied with the medication recommendations.”

Here’s Greene’s own video after he was taken out of the stadium in Urbandale, which is located at the intersection where one of the officers was shot:

Good to know the Des Moines and Urbandale police had him on their radar, but unfortunate it took Greene’s killing of two police officers to recognize how dangerous this guy was.

This is an example of what happens when hate is let loose.  I hope that this election’s fear-mongering and hateful furor isn’t a Pandora’s box, but my fear is that this is now accepted as OK.  NO, HATE IS NOT OK.  Choose love!




Support of police, who day in and day out, night in and night out, do a very difficult job, is important.  That support is a long way from support, encouragement and attempted after-the-fact justification of police actions that are racist and unconstitutional, actions recognized near and far as problematic, illegal, and immoral.  There’s this facebook page called “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” that has gone way over the line in support of the unprofessional behavior of Edina’s Lt. Timothy Olson that has received nationwide attention.

Last night at Edina City Council mtg

In the New York Times:

Black Man Is Arrested While Walking, and Minnesota City Starts a ‘Conversation’

NYT quoting NAACP’s Nekima Levy-Pounds:

“In light of the egregious incident that happened, the city of Edina responded at the City Council meeting in a way that demonstrated a level of compassion, and they signaled that they heard what the people had to say,” she said. “I have not seen that happen in any jurisdictions that I have covered.”

The City fathers recognized that the arrest and treatment of Larnie Thomas was a problem and Chief of Police Dave Nelson, Mayor James Hovland, and City Manager Scott Neal issued a unified statement last week:

City of Edina responds to NAACP Minneapolis

PR shilling like this “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” try to spin with censoring, deleting, and blocking, but that is not going to stop progress, and only hurts the image of the Edina Police Department — this effort is as transparent as Mpls. Bob Kroll’s comments against the IACP head’s acknowledgement and apology for “historical mistreatment” — and so 19th Century.  Edina is ready for change, and orchestrated efforts like this only document the problem and show that change is needed.  A change is gonna come…

The City of Edina is working on the “next steps” and a timeline, and seeing this site, I’d guess their inbox and voicemail is full of nastiness and objections similar to what’s seen on the “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” facebook page.  Please send emails of support to the Mayor, City Council, and City Manager for their commitment to address racism:,,,,, Scott H. Neal <

What’s the fuss all about?  The day before yesterday, this Post #1, below, shows up on the “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” facebook page.  These posts are used to cast aspersions on the “video woman” who edited the very end of her video to omit her name, address and contact info, and to blame the victim by posting his District Court record, which is irrelevant in stopping someone walking down the street.  They allow comments slandering Larnie Thomas, claims that he was “intoxicated” which he demonstrably was not; claim that he was “walking in the middle of the road” which he was not, and attempt to link other 911 calls.  They post a “full police report” which adds as “eyewitnesses” reports of officers who were not present at the scene and were not called to the scene by Lt. Olson until he’d grabbed Larnie Thomas!

The page is associated with the “Edina Crime Prevention Fund, and here are their IRS Form 990s:




My comments have been deleted (and they were oh-so-gentle), one in particular was hilarious.  From #3:

Bev MomStrong ArmstrongBev MomStrong Armstrong Aaaaand you have voiced your opinion on every Web page word for word. Carol Overland [and my posts were deleted today]. If it is such a problem for you in your opinion, why don’t you run for city council and change things????
Kianta Hafling Kianta Hafling Carol, the mayor and city council never have been in a situation like police officers are in everyday. They’d have no clue what it’s like to have people show you their worst and be criticized for everything because of their uniform. It’s easy to judge something you’ve never done. It’s even easier to jump on bandwagons these days, I guess. Police departments around the country are hiring. Sign up. We could use some experts in the front lines.
Bev MomStrong Armstrong Bev MomStrong Armstrong Love your response!!!!! 😉
To Kianta Hafling, I responded: “I am an attorney sworn to uphold the Constitution.  “It’s easy to judge something you’ve never done.”  (Dead air, but they deleted it this afternoon.  SNORT!)
Brent Yorkshire Brent Yorkshire Carol, if you were truly a lawyer you would know the police would be subject to a “failure to act” lawsuit if they didn’t do something about someone creating a danger to themselves and others. Get a clue!!
Gene Thompson Gene Thompson Vote TRUMP , bring law and order back to our country !

Folks, get a clue.  Posts like these three “SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT” on the “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” facebook page do not help at all.  The Edina Police Department doesn’t need “thanks” like that, and the world doesn’t need the waste of these electrons — your “support” hurts them.  With “friends” like this, who needs enemies.?  Think about it.  The City of Edina is under scrutiny, rightfully so.  The City gets it, and the City will have to do some soul-searching review and make thoughtful changes that will not be easy.  The whole world is watching.

Here’s what “We Thank Our Edina Police Department” facebook page, posts #1, #2 and #3 “SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT. SHARE THIS” have to say:

#1: SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. SHARE THIS.…/Incident_16003134_Redacted%20website.p…
An updated police report [HERE in case it gets disappeared:  incident_16003134] [note p. 5-6 & 8-18 state “”THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL – FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY”]  dated 10/21/16 includes 5 officer statements, 14 witness accounts, witnesses describing repeated behavior by subject later in the day on France Ave, corroborating Minneapolis 9-1-1 transcripts and a documented admission by the original videographer the video was edited to remove her name and number and everything afterwards before posting to YouTube and her reluctance to provide the police department with a full, unedited copy. There is certainly a lot to be learned by all parties. If you care about Edina and your Edina Police Department, then take 15 minutes and read this. Read this before you read anything else. SHARE these facts with your Twin Cities friends. SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. We thank our police officers here at home and those around the country who protect and serve ALL OF US – regardless of Age, Race, Sex, National Origin, Religion, Disability, Pregnancy, Medical Condition, Marital Status, Sexual Orientation and the like – each and every day.

Then yesterday, #2 and #3.  First #2:

Updated Edina Police Report as of 10/21/16 with our summary below of 14 witness statements including Minneapolis PD 9-1-1 call transcripts collaborating characterizations of Subject activity leading up to the “viral video” incident AND then a completely separate incident just two hours later about one mile north on France.…/Incident_16003134_Redacted%20website.p…

10/12/16 11:45 AM (shortly before the video started):
Witness CR: “The (subject) was not acting rational and that he had never seen so much restraint by any person as he did by the officer”
W JR: “…had to turn (car) slightly into the northbound lane to avoid (subject)”
W MB: “(subject) was walking down the middle of Xerxes, wearing headphones, with southbound traffic backed up behind (subject)”
W MB: “(subject) continued to walk down the center of the street even though (subject) turned and saw the squad car behind (subject)”
W TG: “He observed (subject) walking down the middle of Xerxes Av while wearing headphones and southbound traffic was backed up behind (subject).”
W TG: “(subject) would not move over.”
W TG: “He did not feel that (officer) did anything wrong and wanted to add that ‘he handled the situation well.’”
W MB: “…enough of an obstruction to traffic that drivers were honking their horns…traffic was briefly delayed at one point.”

10/12/16 ~1:50 PM (about one hour after subject was dropped off at Southdale at ~12:30 PM)
W KM: “…man in the intersection of 52nd & France Avenue acting strangely.”
W KM: “…traffic stopped because the man (same one from YouTube video) was standing in the intersection blocking…a driver of truck honked the horn and the man pounded on the hood, then side of the truck…went to the drivers door and grabbed the handle trying to get the door open…”
W BM: “…erratic behavior similar to what he has seen before with patients in a mental health crisis. There were cars stopping and honking at him. At one point the man tried to open the door of a vehicle that had stopped in traffic.”
W DG: “…saw the man (same person he saw in video) later in the day…walking northbound on France Avenue…noticed the man trying car door handles on 2-3 unoccupied parked cars…”
W JW: “(sent letter to Edina police and he is the owner of the white pickup truck man tried to enter)
W SW: “She lives on France Avenue and was stopped in traffic while driving near the area of 52nd & France Ave…man acting strangely (later saw this same person on YouTube viral incident)…man was walking along France Avenue yelling and making sudden movements which she believed were attributed to a mental crisis…”
MPD Call 1: “…a male who was acting very strangely who was yelling at cars, stopping traffic movement and confronting drivers…”
MPD Call 2: “guy walking down the middle of France Ave. near 47th St. W…caller stated the male just about walked into the caller’s vehicle and described the incident as very scary.”

We thank our police officers here at home and those around the country who protect and serve ALL OF US – regardless of Age, Race, Sex, National Origin, Religion, Disability, Pregnancy, Medical Condition, Marital Status, Sexual Orientation and the like – each and every day.

And now #3:

Subject Person of the “viral Edina Police video” is named in an event report on 10/19/2016 after Wells Fargo bank employees called to report “they do not want to approach him due to his level of aggression…”…/2016086051%20102016%20EventReport_Reda…

Subject Person’s Criminal/Traffic/Petty Case Records Search Results:
07/29/13 – Fleeing a peace officer by a means other than a motor vehicle (Dismissed); Hennepin
07/29/13 – Spitting on the sidewalk (Convicted – Petty Misdemeanor); Hennepin
07/29/13 – Ride bicycle on sidewalk where prohibited (Dismissed); Hennepin
10/02/13 – Obstruct legal process – interfere w/ peace officer (Convicted – Gross Misdemeanor); Hennepin
11/27/13 – Emergency telephone calls/communication – interrupt, interfere, impede, disrupt 911 (Convicted – Misdemeanor); Hennepin
11/27/13 – Domestic assault – misdemeanor – commits act to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death (Dismissed); Hennepin
11/27/13 – Domestic assault – misdemeanor – intentionally inflicts/attempts to inflict bodily harm on another (Dismissed); Hennepin
11/27/13 – Disorderly conduct – offensive/abusive/noisy/obscene (Dismissed); Hennepin
03/31/14 – Fail to pay taxi cab fare – defraud driver or owner (Convicted – Misdemeanor); Hennepin
06/22/15 – Disorderly conduct (Convicted – Misdemeanor); Ramsey
07/15/15 – Disorderly conduct (Convicted – Misdemeanor); Ramsey
07/24/15 – Stalking – Repeatedly make telephone calls, sends texts, induce victim to make calls (Convicted – Gross Misdemeanor); Ramsey
07/24/15 – Domestic abuse – violate order for protection – misdemeanor (Dismissed); Ramsey
07/24/15 – Domestic abuse – violate order for protection – misdemeanor (Dismissed); Ramsey

We thank our police officers here at home and those around the country who protect and serve ALL OF US – regardless of Age, Race, Sex, National Origin, Religion, Disability, Pregnancy, Medical Condition, Marital Status, Sexual Orientation and the like – each and every day.

To each of they sycophant comments, they urge people to share, over and over and over, and to any post challenge, they delete and block.  Don’t worry, there are plenty of screen shots.  But this behavior is so cringingly embarrassing.  EEEEEEEEEEEEUW!  Mighty white of you…
