My beautiful picture

When the wintry winds starts blowing
And the snow is starting in a fall
Then my eyes went westward knowing
That’s the place that I love best of all
California I’ve been blue
Since I’ve been away from you
I can’t wait till I get blowing
Even now I’m starting in a call

California, here I come
Right back where I started from
Where bowers of flowers bloom in the spring
Each morning at dawning birdies sing at everything
A sun kissed miss said, “Don’t be late!”
That’s why I can hardly wait

Open up that golden gate
California, here I come

California, here I come, yeah
Right back where I started from
Where bowers of flowers bloom in the spring
Each morning at dawning birdies sing at everything
A sun kissed miss said, “Don’t be late!”
That’s why I can hardly wait come on, come on
Open up, open up, open up that golden gate
California, here I come




Ask and you shall receive, eh?  I’d not checked on this, was buried in other stuff this week, but LOOK!

NoticeMPCA – January 6 Notice of Comment Extension – p-ear2-119d

YES!  this is good because the MPCA did not release the primary documents until December 30, 2016, and there’s no excuse for denying the public time to review the Application, etc.

Once more with feeling, here are the Comments I’d filed on behalf of the Tyler Hills Neighbors on January 4, 2017, and Comments of Indian Affairs Council and Minnesota Department of Administration:

Comments -_Tyler Hills Neighbors & Exhibits

Comment Letter – Indian Affairs Council

Comment Letter – Dept of Administration

Note the photo at the top of this post — the Lab USA site is contiguous to the City of Red Wing’s laydown yard and crusher — and it wants to build its laydown yard and crusher on a lot that overlaps the Water Tank Mounds.  Ummmm, no, I don’t think so!

I’m looking forward to seeing any additional comments filed by the end of the month.

turkeyvultureA little birdie told me that there is a Red Wing business that could use “cleaned” ash, and I’d guess there are at least two… it seems the logical thing to do is to put Lab USA’s facility at this other business site, and everyone would be happy!  Well, not everyone, but it seems a better fit.  This is something the City should look into, because now that the City isn’t doing any “ash mining,” their dog in this has been neutered.  We shall see…





The Dept. of Justice’s report on its investigation of the Chicago Police Department practices is out, and the DoJ’s press release notes that its findings, linked below, include:

The Justice Department announced today that it has found reasonable cause to believe that the Chicago Police Department (CPD) engages in a pattern or practice of using force, including deadly force, in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. The department found that CPD officers’ practices unnecessarily endanger themselves and result in unnecessary and avoidable uses of force. The pattern or practice results from systemic deficiencies in training and accountability, including the failure to train officers in de-escalation and the failure to conduct meaningful investigations of uses of force.

A consent decree is in the works.  We’ll see if that helps.

Primary documents:

These are must reads for a cold winter day.


CALL TODAY — US Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Committee Page

Committee Members

Contact Info for Senators

If you heard Minnesota’s Senator Franken questioning A.G. nominee Jeff Sessions, you heard several instances of Session’s fabrication and/or exaggeration of his experience as a federal attorney, and how Sessions handled this was as disturbing as his misrepresentations.


Here’s another something to consider.  In 1986, when he was up for a judicial appointment, and was thoroughly vetted and then denied the judgeship, Coretta Scott King offered the following for consideration, particularly regarding Sessions’ role in criminal prosecutions regarding absentee voting:


In short:


This is not someone who should be the U.S. Attorney General!


… but now it seems some are taking it seriously.  At long last.

Remember  Drumpf’s comments in the July?

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing… I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

And the Twit’s tweet:

“If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!,”

From Jeremy Singer Vine’s cloud upload, 35 pages of allegations (published by buzzfeed here), a compilation of reports, and it’s pretty damning.  Is it real?  We shall see (full reports at link):

Trump Intelligence Allegations




















Time for “the system” to dig in and work… there’s only 10 days left.  From CNN’s reports, the source has been vetted, and this is not new info, it was out there in August/summer, McCain had info, and now, here we are on the verge of inaugurating this yahoo?