STAY, Freeborn Wind!
October 2nd, 2019

And we SCORE! Association of Freeborn County Landowners had a win earlier today when the Minnesota Court of Appeals granted our Motion for Stay of the Freeborn Wind Appeal as the Xcel Request for Amendment goes forward. YES! Sure glad we’re not having to do two things at once!
And FYI, here’s Xcel’s Amendment Request:
Ex 1_Xcel Site Permit Amendment Application_Part 1 of 4_20198-155331-01Download
Ex 2_Xcel Site Permit Amendment Application_Part 2 of 4_20198-155331-02Download
Ex 3_Xcel Site Permit Amendment Application_Part 3 of 4_20198-155331-03Download
Ex 4_Xcel Site Permit Amendment Application_Part 4 of 4_20198-155331-04Download
Court DENIES Freeborn Wind/Xcel Motion to Dismiss
August 27th, 2019

Freeborn Wind, now owned by Xcel Energy, tried to get Association of Freeborn County Landowners booted out of the Appellate Court. Freeborn Wind’s Motion DENIED!
And here’s the Order of the Appellate Court:
And this delightful snippet:

So now we’re off to the races!! We filed a Motion to Stay the Proceeding, because Xcel has filed its request for a site permit amendment. We shall see…