This one rates a WOW!  The rescue we got Kady from was raided yesterday. K-K-K-KADY!!!

Their site: 6th Angel German Shepherd Rescue


Reports state that 35 or so dogs were removed. Their Petfinder list of available dogs is now not working.

Here’s another report:

SPCA Rescuse Dozens of Dogs from “Filthy” Law Firm

Dogs are at the SPCA, and rumor has i they are being held as evidence, and could be held until this is resolved, i.e., by trial, plea, or dismissal of charges. That’s a problem. Pennsylvania SPCA is at 350 E Erie Ave Philadelphia, PA 19134, phone (215) 426-6304.

There have been issues before between the PA SPCA and 6th Angel about doing an exchange of animals in a parking lot (what rescue doesn’t do that?) where the Pennsylvania SPCA had confiscated dogs from her, because it is against the law to sell animals in a public place, and I posted on that here.

At that time, the judge said that dogs had been improperly confiscated by the Pennsylvania SPCA and ordered that they be returned:

Memorandum – Sixth Angel Shepherd Rescue and Terry Silva v.George Bengal, Nicole Wilson and Pennsylvania SPCA

And another story, prior to the court order:

Owner is Hoping to Have Her Dogs Returned

When we got Kady from 6th Angel, we had to fill out an application, have a house visit, references were checked, and we got her!  She fit right in, snoozing right next to Ken or even in bed with her!

So when you listen to that story embedded above, note how they’re saying she “posed” as a rescue. What’s that about, she was indeed a rescue. 35 dogs in one place and probably without a kennel license is a problem, but it feels like there’s something else going on here.