U.S. Representatives Hagedorn and Fischbach both persisted in their attempts to disenfranchise voters in their objections to certifying the election results. This wasn’t about Minnesota voters, which is good, but how dare they work to disenfranchise ANY voters, and how dare they stick their nose into any other state’s voting process. HOW DARE THEY!

Rep. Michelle Fischbach (202) 225-2165

Rep. Jim Hagedorn (202) 225-2472

Statement from the Minnesota Bar Association:

Here’s the list of all of those objecting to certification of state election results:


Cindy Hyde-Smith, Miss.

Cynthia Lummis, Wyo.

John Kennedy, La.

Josh Hawley, Mo.

Rick Scott, Fla.

Roger Marshall, Kan.

Ted Cruz, Texas

Tommy Tuberville, Ala.

And the HOUSE:

Adrian Smith, Neb.

Alexander X. Mooney, W.Va.

Andrew Clyde, Ga.

Andy Biggs, Ariz.

Andy Harris, Md.

August Pfluger, Texas

Barry Loudermilk, Ga.

Barry Moore, Ala.

Ben Cline, Va.

Beth Van Duyne, Texas

Bill Johnson, Ohio

Bill Posey, Fla.

Billy Long, Mo.

Blaine Luetkemeyer, Mo.

Bob Gibbs, Ohio

Bob Good, Va.

Brian Babin, Texas

Brian Mast, Fla.

Burgess Owens, Utah

Byron Donalds, Fla.

Carlos Gimenez, Fla.

Carol Miller, W.Va.

Chris Jacobs, N.Y.

Chris Stewart, Utah

Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.

Clay Higgins, La.

Cliff Bentz, Ore.

Dan Bishop, N.C.

Daniel Meuser, Pa.

Daniel Webster, Fla.

Darrell Issa, Calif.

David Kustoff, Tenn.

David Rouzer, N.C.

David Schweikert, Ariz.

Debbie Lesko, Ariz.

Devin Nunes, Calif.

Diana Harshbarger, Tenn.

Doug LaMalfa, Calif.

Doug Lamborn, Colo.

Earl L. “Buddy” Carter, Ga.

Elise M. Stefanik, N.Y.

Frank Lucas, Okla.

Fred Keller, Pa.

Garret Graves, La.

Gary Palmer, Ala.

Glenn Thompson, Pa.

Greg Pence, Ind.

Greg Steube, Fla.

Gregory F. Murphy, N.C.

Guy Reschenthaler, Pa.

Harold Rogers, Ky.

Jack Bergman, Mich.

Jackie Walorski, Ind.

Jacob LaTurner, Kan.

Jason Smith, Mo.

Jay Obernolte, Calif.

Jeff Duncan, S.C.

Jeff Van Drew, N.J.

Jerry Carl, Ala.

Jim Baird, Ind.

Jim Banks, Ind.

Jim Hagedorn, Minn.

Jim Jordan, Ohio

Jodey Arrington, Texas

Jody Hice, Ga.

Joe Wilson, S.C.

John Joyce, Pa.

John R. Carter, Texas

John Rose, Tenn.

John Rutherford, Fla.

Kat Cammack, Fla.

Ken Calvert, Calif.

Kevin Hern, Okla.

Kevin McCarthy, Calif.

Lance Gooden, Texas

Lauren Boebert, Colo.

Lee Zeldin, N.Y.

Lisa McClain, Mich.

Lloyd Smucker, Pa.

Louie Gohmert, Texas

Madison Cawthorn, N.C.

Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga.

Mark E. Green, Tenn.

Markwayne Mullin, Okla.

Mary Miller, Ill.

Matt Gaetz, Fla.

Matt Rosendale, Mont.

Michael C. Burgess, Texas

Michael Cloud, Texas

Michael Guest, Miss.

Michelle Fischbach, Minn.

Mike Bost, Ill.

Mike Garcia, Calif.

Mike Johnson, La.

Mike Kelly, Pa.

Mike Rogers, Ala.

Mo Brooks, Ala.

Morgan Griffith, Va.

Neal Dunn, Fla.

Nicole Malliotakis, N.Y.

Pat Fallon, Texas

Paul Gosar, Ariz.

Pete Sessions, Texas

Ralph Norman, S.C.

Randy Weber, Texas

Richard Hudson, N.C.

Rick Allen, Ga.

Rick Crawford, Ark.

Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.

Robert J. Wittman, Va.

Roger Williams, Texas

Ron Estes, Kan.

Ron Wright, Texas

Ronny Jackson, Texas

Russ Fulcher, Idaho

Sam Graves, Mo.

Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.

Scott Fitzgerald, Wis.

Scott Franklin, Fla.

Scott Perry, Pa.

Stephanie Bice, Okla.

Steve Chabot, Ohio

Steve Scalise, La.

Steven Palazzo, Miss.

Ted Budd, N.C.

Tim Burchett, Tenn.

Tim Walberg, Mich.

Tom Cole, Okla.

Tom Rice, S.C.

Tom Tiffany, Wis.

Tracey Mann, Kan.

Trent Kelly, Miss.

Troy Nehls, Texas

Vicky Hartzler, Mo.

Virginia Foxx, N.C.

Warren Davidson, Ohio

William Timmons, S.C.

Yvette Herrell, N.M.


January 6th, 2021

tRump is Toast — resign or you’ll be removed:


And C-SPAN Live via ALT-immigration

And Reddit, smashing equipment of media:


We have got to bear down and keep at it, get to work.

Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage

December 21st, 2020

In December, 1994, after the tumultuous legislative session from hell, and the resulting “1994 Prairie Island Bill, Ch. 641, SF 1706,” I noticed a sign up on the window of Kenyon City Hall, looking for someone to represent the City at a Northern States Power (now Xcel Energy) group to “select a site for nuclear waste” somewhere “in Goodhue County,” away from the nuclear plant site. December 14, 1994 was the first meeting of the group, which met over I think 6 months, a most bizarre series of meetings, culminating in NSP’s selection of “Site P” in Florence Township as its preferred site. At that meeting, this truckdriver realized that the seals on the TN-40 casks needed to be replaced. When I asked about that, they had no plan. Oh my, that got my attention — it was clearly not a well thought out plan.

A few nuclear spent fuel documents floated up recently, and here they are:

NUREG-2224 Dry Storage and Transportation of High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel

In I think May, 1995, they started filling up casks and putting them on a pad at Prairie Island, and meanwhile, the NSP group’s meetings ended, the Environmental Quality Board formed an official Citizens Advisory Task Force on nuclear waste, with the task of reviewing the NSP application to the EQB for a site permit. The Task Force ended and issued this report:

At that time, I was spending a lot of time learning about casks, paying attention to anything that came up, with particular interest in whether casks could indeed be unloaded.

Trans Nuclear casks were used at Prairie Island, they’re also at Arkansas Nuclear 1, somewhere else to… Here’s a miscellaneous dock from TransNuclear (it has another name now):

Transnuclear Handouts – Part 3 of 6 – 10/07/09 Public Meeting https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0927/ML092790437.pdf

Around that time was the “Point Beach Ignition Event” where they left the zinc assembly in the boric acid solution in the cask overnight until the next shift came in, and then tried to weld it. Zinc + boric acid = hydrogen. BOOM! Clue: “Gas ignition event” = EXPLOSION! The cask lid bent up a few inches (it was 9″ thick!!), the wedges holding assembly basket in place blew out onto the floor…


And then there’s the 3 Stooges cask unloading at INEL, this is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S:

Putting this up for future reference – a permanent repository!!!

tRump and Addiction

December 14th, 2020

An Op-Ed popped up, and it makes SO much sense. Do read this:

What the Science of Addiction Tells Us About Trump

Yes, this is SO dead on. I’ve been suggesting massive intervention for the U.S., or at least many in it who are exhibiting such bizarre behavior. For sure it’s “stinkin’ thinkin'” is happening.

The notion of white supremacy as grievance makes a lot of sense too, and the ratcheting up in the face of resistance that we’re seeing.

The article notes that “We’ve recently held a nationwide electoral intervention with Trump, which has the dual benefit of helping to protect the country from further damage and shows him that his retaliatory behavior is no longer acceptable and needs to change.”

The first part, yes, we have had an electoral intervention, and that’s happening right now as electoral colleges of the states vote. But the second, I don’t see protection from further damage. The message that the behavior is not acceptable and needs to change may have gotten out, but we’re seeing increased acting out and oppositional behavior. The behavior keeps on, and he can and will do lots of damage in the remaining 38 days. Lots of cleaning up to do, and on to establishing, restoring, collective sanity.

ONWARD! 38 days to go.

UPDATE: Supremes deny Texas suit:

A handful of Minnesota state Representatives and Senators have sent this letter to the Texas Attorney General asking that Texas “include Minnesota in the list of states against whom you are filing suit.” (Minnesota Congressional Reps. Emmer, Hagedorn, and Stauber have signed on to an Amicus Brief, a whole ‘nother can of worms.). Also, they complain, “Unlawful actions by rogue Secretaries of State should not be tolerated.” Ummm, and what about rogue legislators?? HOW DARE THEY!

They have no standing, no authority, to make such a request. They represent only a small percentage of the citizens of the state, just 8 of the Representatives, and 7 Senators. I guess the good news is that it would require amending the suit, which will probably be thrown out before they get a chance.

Now’s the time to let them know what you think — here’s their contact info:

rep.cal.bahr@house.mn, rep.steve.drazkowski@house.mn, rep.mary.franson@house.mn, rep.glenn.gruenhagen@house.mn, rep.eric.lucero@house.mn, rep.shane.mekeland@house.mn, rep.tim.miller@house.mn, rep.jeremy.munson@house.mn, sen.mike.goggin@senate.mn, sen.bill.weber@senate.mn, sen.rich.draheim@senate.mn

https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1227 (Jasinski)

https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1202 (Kiffmeyer)

https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1228 (Koran)

https://www.senate.mn/members/email-form/1222 (Matthews)

Wondering about legislative censure? Here are the rules: