Movin’ from Montana soon…
August 29th, 2013
For those of you interested in filing a complaint against Judge G. Todd Baugh in Montana, here’s the Complaint form and the Judicial Standards and Judicial Ethics (those rules are important because you need to cite the ones he violated):
Complaint Form for Judicial Standards Commission
If these links don’t work, here’s the link to their JUDICIAL COMPLAINT PAGE.
This guy is so off the wall that I hope thousands file solid well written complaints that they’ll have to deal with.
Montana judge apologizes for comments in teen rape case, protesters call for his resignation
August 31st, 2013 at 10:57 pm
What happened in this case is unconscionable. A judge should have given this man, who failed his sexual offender treatment program (getting kicked out!), the maximum sentence possible. It is not up to the Judge to label the victim as appearing “older than her chronological age”. She was a VICTIM who deserved justice!
August 31st, 2013 at 11:06 pm
What this judge did was unethical. To label a victim by saying “she was older than her chronological age” as justification for such a reduced sentence by someone with such a disregard for the law that he was kicked out of his own sexual offender treatment program? And then the Judge tried to apologize? Too late now. It should be appealed. She was raped and he should serve the maximum amount of time; and the Judge who did not do his job, should be removed from office. Reference:
(2) Willful and persistent failure to perform judicial duties.
(3) Willful misconduct in office.
(4) Violation of the Canons of Judicial Ethics adopted by the
Supreme Court of the State of Montana, which may include conduct
prejudicialtotheadministrationofjusticewhichbrings thejudicialoffice
into disrepute, or impropriety.