The Northfield Fluff
October 28th, 2006
The Northfield paper is going to have to change its name, because this isn’t “News.” Here we are, just before the election, and what’s their Editorial? “I’m proud to be Bob’s little sister.” The Northfield News Guest Column? Buckthorn! Really, “Buckthron control in our backyards.“ Where is their sense of civic duty to cover the myriad of elections and invite indepth comment and comment themselves?   Sure there are a bunch of editorials, hmmmm… the local nursery guy, “Leaf” Knecht, an avid “Democrat for Ray” has one in there, and Mike Hero (related to Community Relations guy at Xcel?) encourages us to do some pruning:
Voting is akin to pruning an apple tree. You keep the branch that bears fruit and you prune the branch that does not bear fruit with the expectation that the new branch will do better.
So perhaps the Buckthorn Guest Column has political implications afterall and strikes closer to home in this election season?
October 29th, 2006 at 1:58 pm
Amazing, isn’t it?
The City recently finished its Water Emergency and Conservation Plan and submitted it to the State DNR for approval. (This plan is required by law for all communities with population larger than 10,000.) The City also rewrote and updated some of its water conservation recommendations for local residents and businesses, hoping to have them printed in the Northfield News, but was told by that the Nfld News would charge to publish such articles.
October 29th, 2006 at 6:43 pm
I take it this is on the City site? We can try a shame campaign, it’s pretty absurd that they wouldn’t see it as news, at least to notify people it’s out there. A Guest Column perhaps? Is it on Locally Grown yet? I’ll check that too!