Bark Back for Hatch/Dutcher!

October 27th, 2006

Luchelle Stevens, of the State Executive Committee, wants you to know about a great event coming up on Sunday…

Bark Back for Hatch/Dutcher!


A furry fundraiser for you and your dog!

Sunday, October 29
1:00â??3:00 pm

At Downtown Dogs; West Wing, 821 2nd Ave North, Minneapolis 55405

(one block south of International Market Square)

Join our co-hosts and their two-legged friends in helping elect Mike Hatch for Governor and Judi Dutcher for Lt. Governor.
Buffy, Laddy, and Bella Hatch (and Mike & family)

MiloDutcher (and Judi & family)

Biscuit (and Vice President Walter Mondale & Mrs. Joan Mondale)
(Senator Becky Lourey)

Kirby Franken (and Al Franken)

Cosmo Hartnett (and Dan)

Zoe Stevens (and Luchelle & Robbie)

Oscar Fynboh (and Paula)

Frida Wetterlund (and Pam)

Kirby Humphrey (and Hubert â??Buckâ?)

Zeb Gaskins (and Keesha)

Theo and Tshanit Elliott- Katz (and Geri)

Lizzie Ledger (and Rhys & Andrea)

Diego Morillo-Stiles (and Javier & John)

Max Kelly (and Tom)

Sebastian Senese (and Dick)

Bailey Flanagan (and Peggy)

Dylan Bischoff (and Sara)

â??Treatsâ? for canines, snacks and refreshments for those who love them.
Suggested Donation(Nobody Turned Away for Barking More, or Less)$25 $35 $50 $100

Political Contribution Refund:Individuals can receive $50 and couples can receive $100 per year refunded by the state of MN.

Prepared and paid for by the Minnesota DFL, Brian Melendez, Chair. Not authorized by any candidate or candidateâ??s committee.

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