Bark Back for Hatch/Dutcher!
October 27th, 2006
Luchelle Stevens, of the State Executive Committee, wants you to know about a great event coming up on Sunday…
Bark Back for Hatch/Dutcher!
A furry fundraiser for you and your dog!
Sunday, October 29
1:00â??3:00 pmAt Downtown Dogs; West Wing, 821 2nd Ave North, Minneapolis 55405
(one block south of International Market Square)
Join our co-hosts and their two-legged friends in helping elect Mike Hatch for Governor and Judi Dutcher for Lt. Governor.
Buffy, Laddy, and Bella Hatch (and Mike & family)MiloDutcher (and Judi & family)
Biscuit (and Vice President Walter Mondale & Mrs. Joan Mondale)
(Senator Becky Lourey)Kirby Franken (and Al Franken)
Cosmo Hartnett (and Dan)
Zoe Stevens (and Luchelle & Robbie)
Oscar Fynboh (and Paula)
Frida Wetterlund (and Pam)
Kirby Humphrey (and Hubert â??Buckâ?)
Zeb Gaskins (and Keesha)
Theo and Tshanit Elliott- Katz (and Geri)
Lizzie Ledger (and Rhys & Andrea)
Diego Morillo-Stiles (and Javier & John)
Max Kelly (and Tom)
Sebastian Senese (and Dick)
Bailey Flanagan (and Peggy)
Dylan Bischoff (and Sara)
â??Treatsâ? for canines, snacks and refreshments for those who love them.
Suggested Donation(Nobody Turned Away for Barking More, or Less)$25 $35 $50 $100
RSVP: hounds4hatch@hotmail.comPolitical Contribution Refund:Individuals can receive $50 and couples can receive $100 per year refunded by the state of MN.
Prepared and paid for by the Minnesota DFL, Brian Melendez, Chair. Not authorized by any candidate or candidateâ??s committee.
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