Here’s the schedule. For more info go to the Minnesota Transmission Owners site at or contact MTO’s Al Mitchell at or the State’s Bob Cupit,

For the CapX2020 lines, the blue ones and red ones on the maps below, go to the CapX2020 Project page, and then click on the project of interest under “Description.”
Now here’s where we get into the problem. Check out the SW Minnesota Zone, “my” district (how can I limit it so when the state is my oyster??)

SE MN Notice: southeast-zone-notice.pdf

What’s wrong with this? Look at the map:

Nevermind, DON’T!! They sent me THREE, I gave away two, and who knows where it went, I GIVE UP, I CANNOT FIND MY COPY FOR THE LIFE OF ME. So allow me to describe it — it’s a cheezy map, with no proposed transmission lines or corridors drawn, only these funny light dashed lines around some cities, no lines drawn at all…

So what are they planning? LOOK!!!

And on that happy note, we’re having another cycle of Biennial Transmission Plan meeitngs, and I hope you’re all paying attention and passing this notice along to everyone who lives near these blue lines on the map above. Or the red lines on this map below (it shows the Big Stone II line connecting into the SW Minnesota line over to Prairie island):


Notice that there’s a line going into Red Wing from the SW, and then from Red Wing (Prairie Island) it goes straight south. CapX2020 calls it “two lines,” one in and one out, and this is just Phase I. In Phase II, there’s another coming into Red Wing from the North, the Chisago sub, and down to Prairie Island. Three lines — no other community has three lines in the CapX2020 “Vision.”

Here’s the SW Zone map from the Transmission Plan meeting packet, covering the same area as the above map (found after 45 minutes of searching — in the recycling — too many papers):


Here’s a version you can zoom or print: sw-zone.pdf

Who cares about the Biennial Transmission Plan meetings? For starters, any of the 200,00 landowners that the Dept. of Commerce says will be affected by these transmission lines. How about the local governments these lines are going through? How about the legislators whose constituents are affected? These lines have been approaching for years now, but the Notice Plans were approved for the CapX2020 lines and we’re now approaching aplication time.

Why care about the Biennial Transmission Plan meetings? Because they’re planning utility infrastructure, and utility infrastructure is very expensive and lasts a long time, 50 years or so. We are at a juncture where we will either invest billions of dollars in central-station infrastructure, large plants a long way from load, OR, we can invest these same dollars in renewable and sustainable energy. Time to choose, because once we start building these central station coal plants and transmission lines, they won’t be abandoned, mothballed. Do we want to take that road? Not on my watch! And on yours???

Transmission Planning Meeting – SE Minnesota Zone:

Tuesday, October 24 from 3-7 p.m.

International Center

7333 Airport View Dr. S.W.


For more information:

Al Mitchell –

Be there, or be square — that means you, City of Red Wing and Goodhue County! I see you’re on the email list, and hope to see you there!

One Response to “Biennial Transmission Plan Meetings”

  1. Joe Morse Says:

    Hi Carol,

    I knew about the Rochester meeting today – I’m on the mailing list. I was in a campaign meeting this afternoon for an organic dairy farmer we expect will be elected to the Winona County Board on 11/7. Let me know if there are any new developments from the meeting today.
    Thanks for your work on this. —- Joe

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