

(I’m buried in reams of Prefiled Direct and Rebuttal testimony, got two notebooks in the mail and then some. If it’s thought provoking reading that you want, scroll down and check out testimony of Xcel, Commerce, Chamber, Minnesota Power and of course mncoalgasplant.com!)

This Wetterling “scandal” caught my attention. You know, the Democrats do really stupid things sometimes, we’ve seen that this year, last year, year before — yeah, I remember way too many campaign seasons — but this is just too stupid to believe it’s a DFL blunder. When a candidate is riding an unexpected wave of “right person-right place-right time” notariety, you just don’t DO things like this, I mean, it’s not like Rowley’s guy going to Kline HQ.

Supposedly a field organizer sent Bachman staff an email:

“I have not had a chance to volunteer yet this year but I see we are trailing in the latest poll,” the e-mail read. “Is there a plan to get us back ahead? We need to win this race and keep power in the house. Thanks, Erick.”

And Bachman is on it right away, saying that they’re trying to “gain access to our campaign and our campaign strategy.”

Oh, right, Michelle, someone emails out of the blue and you give them access to the campaign and campaign strategy? I don’t think so. And at a time when Bachman is down, perhaps down for the count, she’s now got something to get all Republican Righteous about and get some press. Sure… let’s create a circus!

What’s this about? I decided to check with Erick!

Yes, Erick the Infamous, Rice Co. DFL Chair, reviled by DLFers and Repugnants alike, writer, reporter, errrr… FORMER reporter… Anyway, given the odd spelling Wetterling’s F.O. used, most know it’s “Eric” or “Erik”, well, the Erick the Expert says, “There are a few others out there with the funky spelling; they’re mostly of Persian descent or African-American. ”

So what’s that field organizer up to? It’s a decidedly weird choice of a name to use! An unlikely co-incidence? Someone who thinks Erick needs help getting into trouble with the DFL? A Republican plant in the Wetterling campaign?

And then there’s this: Republicans protest trashy politics

Inquiring minds want to know… I sense a conspiracy…


A Wetterling campaign worker is fired over e-mail

The campaign manager for DFLer Patty Wetterling fired a field organizer Tuesday after Republican Michele Bachmann alleged a “dirty trick” in the Sixth Congressional District campaign.

Bachmann said one of her field staffers received an e-mail Monday from a volunteer named “Erick.” But the e-mail heading indicated the message was from “Jon Bohn,” a Wetterling employee who joined the campaign about a month ago.

“I have not had a chance to volunteer yet this year but I see we are trailing in the latest poll,” the e-mail read. “Is there a plan to get us back ahead? We need to win this race and keep power in the house. Thanks, Erick.”

In a letter to Wetterling, Bachmann said it appeared Bohn was “attempting to gain access to our campaign and our campaign strategy.”

Wetterling campaign manager Corey Day said he confronted Bohn, 22, a field organizer with the campaign. Bohn acknowledged sending the e-mail and Day fired Bohn on the spot on Tuesday.

“Once he told me he sent it and I saw the e-mail, he’s no longer part of the organization,” said Day.

Day said that as far as he knew, the one e-mail was the only thing Bohn had done that was inappropriate and no one else in the Wetterling campaign was involved.

In her letter to Wetterling, Bachmann said it may be illegal to try to try to gain access to an opponent’s campaign using a false identity. She said she was referring the matter to state and federal authorities.

“Campaigns can be tough,” Bachmann’s letter said. “But playing dirty tricks has no place in Minnesota politics.”


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