
Read the STrib today?  Xcel has 9,500 record peak.

Xcel, how dare you… the 9,500MW peak you report is exaggerated… naughty, naughty.  You didn’t deduct for the interruptible service customers’ megawatts, and you’re including electricity you’ve generated and sold elsewhere, that the number represents the totals Xcel put on the grid, and not accounting for the demand that they’ve shed, not wholesale sales in other markets. THIS IS NOT PEAK DEMAND!!!  YOU’RE CHEATING, XCEL… sigh… what’s new…

Thanks for clearing that up, little birdie!


But even considering that sleight of hand, it’s no record, it’s not even up to the 2006 peak… and that was FIVE years ago.  Your CapX 2020 transmission is predicated on 2.43% (is that right, 2.4 something…) increase annually, but folks, we’re not even close to that.

Here’s the peak demand over the last 10 years:


And here’s what the STrib said today, what they said that Xcel said, blah blah blah, 9,500 my ass:

Xcel set new power demand record Monday

Article by: DAVID SHAFFER , Star Tribune

Power outages struck thousands across the metropolitan area as the distribution system was burdened by the electrical load. High demand is expected today.

One Response to “LIARS – 9,504 MW is NOT record peak demand for Xcel”

  1. Jeff Falk Says:

    My understanding of peak demand would not include a deduction for interuptible service since this is intermittent interuption. When it is not interupted the service users do use power. What makes you conclude that this was not taken into account? It would seem that one needs to know just how the number for peak demand is determined.
    Similarly one would need to know the formula used to determine yearly percent increase over a span of 10 years to criticise their 2.4% figure. How would you figure the percent increase for the 10 years of data that you give?
    I used a compounding interest formula using the highest demand and the starting demand and arrived at about 2.1% per year. Keep in mind they are concerned about “peaks”.
    I too would like to stop this transmission line but it’s important to me that we understand the situation and not mislead with our responses.

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