And now for an Xcel Motion & Replies
September 15th, 2006
OK, back from the airport Post Office, serving every Intervenor and their entire family with piles of papers, and here’s the Mesaba story for today. Xcel files a Motion and we all respond… there’s a hearing on it next week, the 21st at 3 p.m. at the PUC. It really is a bit more exciting than that, maybe you’ve got to be dead tired, but that footnote 9 in Xcel’s Motion is really a hoot… (looks like my file names are way too long, er, Xcel’s file names too, oh well, get over it)
And here’s everyone’s response, due today:
Hmmmmm… the Waltons sent one too but I can’t find it… grrrr…
And Xcel has a couple other Motions, one to protect 3rd party secrets, and another to “clarify” what it is that Excelsior is trying to do. OK, here’s the 3rd party one:
Here’s the “clarify” one, they’re so subtle, yeah, this one’s hilarious too:
So that ought to keep y’all busy for a while! Holler when you’re ready for more.
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