Gunflint Tavern in Grand Marais & horses in Florida
June 27th, 2005
The internet is amazing. I’d done a quick search for some folks from St. Lawrence Band, and two of the MIA’s were a friend and her sister, and a 30 second search turned them up.
Sue runs a restaurant, and damned if I didn’t park in the spot this photo was taken of her Gunflint Tavern, in Grand Marais. Check that pink ’63 Mopar! I was there searching for breakfast about a month ago as part of my CLE tour. If you’re up in Grand Marais, be sure to stop in! The Gunflint Tavern is at 111 Wisconsin St., Grand Marais. Phone is (218) 387-1563. But it’s easy to find, just follow your nose to the real food! From the south on 61, go into town and take a right and go to the water, and it’s right across from where the boats are anchored.
Sandra runs C&S Horse Boarding in Florida, what heaven!
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