Lent Twp voters say NO! to LS Power
December 17th, 2009
From ECM article…
On Monday, citizens of Lent Township organized a Special Meeting, as allowed under statute, and told the Town Board what they thought of LS Power’s Sunrise River Energy Station. The hands raised you see in the photo is the vote telling the board that they should not approve a development agreement with LS Power.
The people say NO, but the township, the following day, went ahead and approved the Development Agreement:
Power Plant Gets Township Approval
And a view from the trenches:
And here’s the report from the Post Review:
Citizens’ vote was to nix power plant
The folks were divided by Lent residency and non-residency.
There were separate sign-in sheets and designated seating areas.
First order of business was the Pledge of Allegiance.
Milles went on to read the resolution.
Milles said that was not the opinion of those signing the petition on the vote.
Koran accepted a motion to adopt the resolution and it was adopted by the group.
Most importantly, Kravitz said, is the reduced quality of life.
Up until now the audience had been quiet.
“But he doesn’t represent planning and zoning,” said the man.
Koran made note that the latest version of the agreement is on the Township’s Web site.
The meeting moved into the question and answer portion.
And one woman politely asked if LS Power had any facility where people are clamoring to move near.
And then the vote by show of hands of Lent Township residents only.
The raised hands were counted by LeVasseur and Koran.
43 said “yes” to approving and signing of the agreement.
To vote: Type one address below into your Internet browser
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/DENYDeadline for signatures is Jan. 31.
January 2nd, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Two years a handful of job’s a life time polution it just isn’t worth it no matter how you look at it We the people deserve better.