Valero Refinery to close
November 21st, 2009
Back to Delaware for the weekend, it’s very strange being here on the east coast and Alan’s in Red Wing with the grrrrrrrrrls. And speak of the devil, guess who’s in the Philadelphia Inquirer today? The Valero refinery shut down, one of our neighbors works there, well, I’d guess a lot of our neighbors in Port Penn work there, it’s just up the road, they’ve been shut down for a couple of weeks, and now it’s forever. I’m curious what Valero will do — $50 says the try to find a way to walk away from the mess they’ve created. Nearby wells have been contaminated and people are just starting to look around for the source. We’ll see…
550 to lose jobs as Valero Energy shuts Delaware refinery
By Harold Brubaker, Jan Hefler, and Jane M. Von BergenThe impact goes beyond the refinery, affecting industries along the Delaware River.
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