Ritchie & Kiffmeyer agree Red Wing background check goes too far!
August 8th, 2006
Mark Ritchie and ol’ what’s her name were in Red Wing for a candidate forum, and here’s the report from the Republican Beagle:
Secretary of State candidates square off
And here’s the good, the unbelievable part — they agree on something! And that something they agree on is that the City of Red Wing has gone too far by instituting background checks of City Council candidates! Really!
Here’s the snippet from the article:
Oppose Red Wing candidate policy
Kiffmeyer and Ritchie found agreement on at least one issue: both said in interviews that they opppose the city of Red Wing asking candidates for City Council to sign a voluntary release form giving the city permission to conduct criminal background checks.
In a guest column in Wednesdayâ??s Republican Eagle, city attorney Jay Squires wrote that such a check â??provides assurance to the city of Red Wing and its voters that taxpayer dollars wonâ??t be wasted on a special election if, at some point, ineligibility is discovered.â?
Kiffmeyer said she understands the cityâ??s concern, but said itâ??s probably gone too far.
â??These are elected officials; theyâ??re not employees,â? she said, adding that it â??may have intimidated some peopleâ? from filing.
Ritchie also said the practice could discourage qualified candidates from stepping forward.
â??This seemed so over the top,â? he said.
Since my initial conversation with the County Attorney, I’ve not heard a PEEP about my Complaint.
Here’s the City Attorney Jay Squire’s “explanation” of the background checks as reported in the Beagle:
Guidelines explained for City of Red Wing’s elected offices
If you recall, Jay Squires is the attorney for the Northfield School District who objected to the District constructing and operating a wind turbine — said District didn’t have express authorization so couldn’t. And here the same guy says “there’s no prohibition.” Yeah, OK, so Squires, show me the express authorization for this RW background check that you thought so necessary for a wind turbine? You’d think that civil rights for citizens have a higher standard than nuts and bolts wind turbines… oh well… If I come across that AG Opinion on that I’ll post it, and lo and behold the law was changed, BUT the window of opportunity for Northfield passed and there were how many schools with wind turbines already… sob… thanks to Squires and his goofy perspective.
Found the AG Opinion to Squires about the wind turbine:
It ‘s worth the read, looking at his approach, that you can’t do something unless authorized. Very different than his view of Red Wing’s intrusive background check.
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