And now for something completely different: “Splendized” Ray’s blog found on Google!
June 12th, 2005
What a hoot – I was nosing around and found a google of a cached “Splendized” Ray Cox blog – I’m still snorting… and wondering who would… and why… very odd…
Here’s the link, it’s Bright Young Things and click on “Splendidizer” and plug in a site and watch what happens. Anything that calls Pawlenty “that horrid little man” can’t be all bad. Here’s a “Splendized” quote from Ray’s 2/9/05 blog post:
After the bloody awards were presented Governor Tim Pawlenty spoke to the group . Darling, the horrid little man talked about the bloody work going fabulously on with renewable fuels in Minnesota, especially with ethanol and biodiesel. Ugh, how uncouth! Dash me twice, the jolly chap reviewed some of the splendid environmental projects in the simply bogus proposed capital bonding bill, including the simply too divine major investment in land through the frightfully horrid Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. How shaming! Now see here – the priceless old chap also talked about the frightfully beastly Clean Water Legacy program that the legislature needs to move forward this session, darling!
Plug in the Magna Carta or Mike Bull’s editorial and watch what happens. But only once, after the pattern recycles, it’s a yawn…
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