
News from the Department of Energy — the Excelsior Energy Mesaba Project’s Environmental Impact Statement, which has been delayed and delayed and delayed, is delayed again, not due out until July… yeah, right… we’ve heard that how many times before?

DOE’s June 2009 Key EIS Chart

So folks, don’t hold your breath…

For the full Excelsior Energy Mesaba Project docket, go to www.puc.state.mn.us and then to “eDockets” and then search for 05-1993, and for the siting docket, search for 06-668.

Oh, and I saw that Renee Sass is now doing something equally reprehensible, some biomass scheme… what was it… if I remember, I’ll put in the link. She’s working with a group of ex-NRG people, of course!

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