The best news is that so far 23, yes, TWENTY THREE letters have come in to the PUC asking for a Citizens Advisory Task Force, including Clean Water Action Alliance on behalf of its 60,000 members, and the North Star Chapter of the Sierra Club. Excelsior filed its siting application for the plant, transmission and natural gas pipelines. As a part of all siting proceedings in history, a Citizens Advisory Task Force has been appointed, but word from the “department” is that they are not bound by history since it’s no longer the Environmental Quality Board handling siting, but the Dept. of Commerce. Oh, OK, fine, well, I’ll just call out the troops! Twenty three letters! Here they are!

Also good was that got bit of support in fighting a really goofy Order from the ALJ on the Mesaba and a goofier Protective Order — it’s great, dead on, in explaining why a Protective Order that requires we prove we need documents before we can have them is so off:

How a third-party could determine which documents it should seek to remove the “Trade Secret” classification is not clear, and the imposition of these burdens on third-parties is inconsistent with applicable case law.

Yup, that says it all. But hey, it says even more! Here’s the “Xcel Industrial Intervenors” Response: Download file

Excelsior, of course also had to meet today’s deadline for Responses to my Motion and here’s what they sent, can you spell (smell?) CONFLATULANCE? Download file

Here’s the Order that started it all: Download file
And here’s the Protective Order and the unreasonable paragraph 1(C)(f): Download file

Here’s my Motion for Modifying Protective Order, asking to delete the offensive bit: (later, have to rescan)

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