
Yes, that’s the Prairie Island plant back behind Ken’s rump!

Comments are due on the big picture for the Prairie Island power uprate and siting of more dry casks. yes, the notice says today:

Public Meeting Notice & Comment Deadline

And it says:

Deadline for written public comments to the Administrative Law Judge on the Certificate of Need (CON) and Site Permit applications must be received by May 25, 2009.

And here’s what the hearing and what comments should address:

Purpose of Hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is to compile the record for the Commission to consider in making a final decision on the CON and the Site Permit requests. The ALJ will write a report and make a recommendation to the Commission on (1) the need for the extended power uprate (EPU) project, (2) the need for the Additional Dry Cask Storage project, and (3) on site selection, including any appropriate site permit conditions. The Commission will make a final decision on the need and site permit at a subsequent Commission hearing. The Commission must issue a Certificate of Need prior to issuing a Site Permit.

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