Doran is out
March 27th, 2006
Drat! Kelly Doran, the guy I thought was most electable, the guy with something to say and a record of actions to back it up, has thrown in the towel. He came off very well against the other DFL candidates on MPR a couple weeks ago, but didn’t even register a blip in the “straw poll” at caucus. So now what is next for State Senator Sheila Kiscaden?
Here’s a nice adieu from the St.PPP:
Doran’s respect for the center deserves respect
Kelly Doran, a nontraditional but substantive DFL candidate for governor, has left the field. Trying to inject common sense into high-stakes politics is risky. Some would say impossible.
There’s much to admire about Doran’s effort, though.
â?¢ The notion that leaders must make, not just speak slogans about making, long-term decisions for growth in Minnesota’s human and economic future.
â?¢ Telling the truth about how profoundly the system is stacked against genuine outsider candidates for top offices.
â?¢ The politics of the positive.
â?¢ Respect for the political center, which has been atomized.
Doran, an Eden Prairie businessman, and his running mate, state Sen. Sheila Kiscaden, walked the talk of a decent practical politics that is unafraid to try for something better.
That’s admirable. And instructive as the remaining campaigns for governor go forward.
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