
Julie Jorgensen says the focus of Excelsior Energy’s sales pitch will now be Municipal Utilities…  MMUA is sponsoring Mesaba dog & pony shows to Municipal Utilities… torturously long dog & pony shows about Mesaba…  selling Mesaba… pushing Mesaba… arm twisting about Mesaba?  WTF???  Well, we all know how much Pawlenty loves the Mesaba Project.

OK folks, let’s connect the dots  between Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Bill Glahn, Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Excelsior Energy’s Mesaba Project… and how does Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association fit in (could Kadermas be back there?  Naaaaaaah…)???

We all know about Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the Green Chameleon:


Governor Pawlenty announces Bill Glahn as Director of Minnesota Office of Energy Security.


…  nevermind, that’s a different “Bill Glahn” (ain’t google fun?)

We know the Minnesota Office of Energy Security, MOES, the part of Commerce that’s now charged with doing Power Plant (and xmsn) siting (Press Release – Gov. Pawlenty Announces Energy Initiatives, Jan. 17, 2008):


Prior to MOES, Bill Glahn was, according to the press release above, at Minnesota Municipal Power Agency.


And that means he was also Dahlen Berg:  CLICK HERE FOR BILL GLAHN CV

From Dahlen, Berg’s site, here’s their explanation of their relation to MMPA:

Management Services
Dahlen, Berg & Co. serves as Agent for and performs all management and operational functions for the Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA). Some of the functions we perform for MMPA include: day-to-day and long-term management and planning services, schedule and dispatch of the MMPA’s resources, billing, and accounting.

Toadies all.  It’s like Minnesota Rural Electric Association’s connection with CapX 2020 and GRE…

So Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association is doing dog & pony shows trying to sell Mesaba.  HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ARE?   They can read the Mesaba Project ALJ’s decision, they can understand the meaning of TOO RISKY, they can understand the meaning of COSTS WAY TOO MUCH, they can understand the meaning of NOT IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST.  The Mesaba Project is a real DUH!  IT’S TOO ABSURD TO EVEN CONSIDER!

ALJ Decision – Mesaba Project April 12, 2007

And knowing that Green Chameleon Tim Pawlenty is a toadie for Excelsior Energy and Excelsior’s Mesaba Project, knowing the extent to which he’ll promote this stupider than words can convey project, does anyone know why?  What’s in it for him?  What do they have on him?  Why would he risk credibility and reputation supporting this utter bullshit project?  What’s the rest of the story here?

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