The Trump administration “policy” was just plain WRONG!

I’ve been wondering if it’s dawned on the Repblicans and MAGAs yet that Trump’s absurd positions and bizarre statements about COVID matter, and that his phenomenal policy failure has an impact in the context of elections. It’s such a DUH! But that would require looking at the facts, so hard to ignore, but facts, who cares about facts, eh?

As of June 14, 2023, 1,134,641 people in the U.S. died of COVID:

And voter demographics:

But yes, let’s look at the facts. 858,323 voters over 65. If ~53% of the voters 65+ are R voters, roughly 454,911 of those voters died of COVID. (Recognizing that there is a distinction between R voters and MAGA voters, also recognizing that many R voters are fed up with MAGA, and even some MAGAs are fed up, add them to defecting or dropping out voters.) Has it occurred to the Rs that the anti-vax and anti-mask and “OPEN UP” and denial of COVID had an impact on their base?

Oh my… let’s dig a little deeper than COVID!

There’s race to consider:

Check this out, Monday, July 29th at 8:00 p.m. ET — preregister:

And then if you look at the chasm between old fart men and women:

So with a little triangulation, it’s clear that white men 50 and up need work. Well, we all know this, but there it is.

Oh, but income… interesting that the middle and upper-middle income are more R than D, and then the highest income voters swing back to blue.

Now’s the time for this old fart demographic to get to work. Never ever take any election for granted, and don’t mistake blabbering on the internet for WORK. Words of wisdom from Robert Reich (mindful that Biden is no longer an issue):

How to prevent America and the world from falling into fascism

And as Heather Cox Richardson recommends, focus on what you do best, and do that in the political realm, i.e. this writer needs to WRITE! This was July 19, so about 3 weeks until the next one:

Letter: Manifestation of MAGA’s dangerous rhetoric

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