
The Annual Hearing for the Power Plant Siting Act was on Tuesday, it was a LONG trip to get there, including an alternator that died, and was resurrected after the rebuilt one didn’t work, rebuilt from the new and the old in the back of the Subaru in a parking lot in Everett, PA.  The good news is that the room was full — but why are so many people going to this and NOT SAYING ANYTHING?  What’s that about?

Anyway, Comments are due on February 2, 2009, Groundhog Day. Send Comments on how you think the PPSA is and is not working to:

Bob Cupit
Public Utilities Commission
101 E. 7th Place, Suite 300
St. Paul, MN 55101

or email to bob.cupit [at]

The Power Plant Siting Act was part of Minn. Stat. Ch. 116C, but now it’s 216E…

Minn. Stat. Chapter 216E – Power Plant Siting Act

Here’s the point of the PPSA Annual Hearing:


The commission shall hold an annual public hearing at a time and place prescribed by rule in order to afford interested persons an opportunity to be heard regarding any matters relating to the siting of large electric generating power plants and routing of high-voltage transmission lines. At the meeting, the commission shall advise the public of the permits issued by the commission in the past year. The commission shall provide at least ten days but no more than 45 days’ notice of the annual meeting by mailing or serving electronically, as provided in section 216.17, a notice to those persons who have requested notice and by publication in the EQB Monitor and the commission’s weekly calendar.

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