Rick James, I.N.C.E., has died

February 21st, 2023

From Terry James, Rick James’ obituary:


James, Richard 03/03/1948 – 02/12/2023, Green Bay, WI. Rick, age 74, passed away peacefully at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing Michigan Sunday morning with his wife Terry at his side.

Richard had been a survivor from cardiomyopathy since 2001. Again in 2021, when he had an ICD put in to stabilize his heart. He had been doing great and working. This time it was sudden and the first time his heart did not function. Saturday 2/11 he went into the hospital and passed the next morning.

Richard & Terry owned three different companies from 1972 to 2006: consulting firms in noise control engineering for industry for 34 years. Richard continued in 2006 as a consultant E- Coustics Solutions for Wind Turbine Community’s, an Expert Witness for Individuals suffering with Wind Turbine Symptoms (yes, look it up).

Richard is preceded in death by his parents Kenneth & Joan James from Green Bay, WI. His surviving family consists of his brother Randall James and wife Peggy, and nephew Brian James, cousins, and uncle. His wife Terry Coleman James (TC), they were living in Okemos, MI. Terry’s family: brother Rick Coleman, who was his close friend, brothers Leonard Coleman, Mark Coleman and sister Lori Betts, Kenny Murphy, their daughters, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren.

Richard and Terry’s Korat purr- kids, Look Sawat Theenie, Hillwizard Babette and FiddleStixx (Stixx). Terry’s aunts and cousins.

Richard asked that he be cremated. Terry will keep his ashes. There will be no funeral. Please no flowers.

Memorial donations may be made to his family at GoFundMe. PayPal – terilachat@comcast.net and PO Box 1129, Okemos 48805.

From Rick’s wife Terry James

One Response to “Rick James, I.N.C.E., has died”

  1. William G. Acker Says:

    I have know Richard for around 13 years. We had problems with infrasound here in Green Bay, Wis from a Cooling Tower and from Wind Turbines. I looked for an acoustical engineer with experience in infrasound in 2010, at that time I could only find three engineers with experience in this field, and I selected Richard James. He came to Green Bay to test and I assisted him over 3 days of testing. Over a period of around three years our Brown County Wis. Health Dept. declared Wind Turbines Hazardous to Humans. Richard helped us get to this point thru his assistance and a number of additional trips to Green Bay.

    Richard and I talked frequently about the Infrasound Pressure Pulsations from Wind Turbines. I and Dr. Tibbets conducted heath studies on people affected by wind turbines. The problem we were up against is that many acoustical engineers were making a lot of money representing the Wind Industry & Wind Farm Developers, but Richard stood up against them. This still is a problem today and Richard had to fight these unethical engineers up to his last day on earth. As I am typing this I am breaking down in tears because the loss of Richard is huge not just for us in Green Bay, but for the thousands of people around the world that have us fight this battle. Richard was “very smart” and he could stand up against these engineers who continued to say there was no health problems from Wind Turbines.

    I want Richard’s family to know about all the people he helped around the world. I would call Richard from time to time with new cases. I gave him one case just a few weeks before his death. I know Richard had to continue battles against the Acoustical Society up to the day that he died, but it did not seem to depress him. He was one of a few engineers who worked hard to prove the health problems related to Infrasound from Wind Turbines, Cooling Towers, HVAC Systems in High Rise Buildings & Ventilation Systems for mines. So Richard had to endure many attacks from the Acoustical Society, but his reward will be in heaven for all the good work Richard did.

    So I want Richard’s family to know that Richard was a key component of this battle over Infrasound Health problems. He did not lose this battle, because he trained us to continue this battle to get our Health Departments to admit to the problem. This is a huge loss for the many people around the world fighting this battle, but we continue our fight until they admit there is a problem.

    My condolences to Richard’s Family, Richard was a great and honest man that you should be very proud of!

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