The small Rio Communities, New Mexico as home for the 2nd largest industrial complex in New Mexico, 262 acres being opened to any sort of business, next to residential areas and the Rio Grande river?


Here’s the Application, starting p. 5, from January 19 P&Z Minutes:

Another public hearing before the Planning & Zoning Commission is scheduled for February 16th @ 4:00 pm mountain time. Written comments by 2:00 p.m. to:

Why? Because they screwed up notice, and they do recognize that there is a LOT of public sentiment about this proposal, one with major impact on this small Rio Communities.

262 acres for ANY type of legitimate businesses? Oh my…

And “I can’t go into specifics…” which is not comforting.

Here’s the minutes with all the poop:

Minutes – City of Rio Communities February 2 meeting

This is a lot like the land use change proposed for Northfield, Minnesota, which I’m posting next…

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