Northfield “Technology Center” AUAR?
January 31st, 2023
Hot off the press in today’s EQB Monitor:
Xcel Energy/ City of Northfield AUAR
Location: Northfield, Dakota County
Process: Alternative urban areawide review (AUAR)
Step: Draft order of review
End of comment period: March 2, 2023
Project description: Xcel Energy and the City of Northfield are partnering to conduct an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for an approximately 787-acre area in the northwestern portion of the City of Northfield. Portions of the AUAR area include land within Greenvale Township. Two development scenarios will be evaluated as part of the AUAR which primarily consist of technology center and industrial park uses. Additional steps are required to initiate the AUAR process for certain large projects, which include a public comment period on the scope of the AUAR. This Scoping Document is available for review and comment as part of the AUAR process in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 4410.3610, subpart 5a.
Link to public documents: Excel Energy / City of Northfield draft order of review
Location of public documents: Northfield City Hall, 801 Washington Street, Northfield, MN 55057
Responsible governmental unit and contact: City of Northfield, Mikayla Schmidt,
Note to reviewers: Comments must be submitted to the RGU during the 30-day comment period following notice of the EAW in the EQB Monitor. Comments should address the accuracy and completeness of information, potential impacts that warrant further investigation and the need for an EIS.
Interestingly enough, a notice just came over the wire, TWO DATA CENTER DOCKETS — removed from the February 9, 2023 PUC Agenda — dockest E002/M-22-572 and E002/M-22-579. Any relation?
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