Consent based (!) nuclear waste?
January 27th, 2022
An email just in from the Dept. of Energy, cut and pasted, THEIR content, not mine. Do send in comments: |

RFI At-A-Glance
We’re more than halfway into the response period for our Request for Information (RFI) on using a consent-based siting process to identify federal interim storage facilities. Ready to share your thoughts? You still have five weeks left to respond!
We are requesting information on how to use a consent-based siting process to site Federal facilities for the temporary, consolidated storage of spent nuclear fuel.
We anticipate that the following groups may be interested in responding to the RFI:
- Communities
- Governments at the local, State, and Tribal levels;
- Members of the public;
- Energy and environmental justice groups;
- Organizations or corporations; and
- Other stakeholders
We especially welcome insight from people, communities, and groups that have historically not been well-represented in these discussions.
See the full RFI by clicking here. Translated versions of the RFI can also be found here.
Interested parties may submit comments electronically to More detailed instructions can be found in the RFI. You can also check out the draft consent-based siting process and the summary of public comments referenced in the RFI at
Responses to the RFI must be received by March 4, 2022, by 5:00 p.m. (ET).
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