Stolen from Hansen’s site (click here)

Dr. Hansen to Gov. Pawlenty — stop Big Stone II!!

It was all over the news yesterday, Dr. James Hansen, global warming expert, delivered a missive to the Green Chameleon, Tim Pawlenty, to act on global warming and stop the Big Stone II coal plant:

Letter to Pawlenty from Dr. James E. Hansen

Here’s a few choice quotes, highlighting how far the Green Chameleon’s policies are from what’s necessary:

“Grandfathering” of fossil fuel plants and any ineffectual “cap and trade” scheme, should it be initiated, will necessarily be replaced by “cap and bulldoze”. Coal use must be eliminated unless and until technology is available with near-zero emissions.


Governor Pawlenty, building Big Stone II, a conventional coal-fired power plant would expose ratepayers and Minnesota to grave financial risk. Steeply rising construction costs and coal prices are themselves ratcheting up the cost of coal-fired electricity, and sure-to-appear legislation that demands elimination of CO2 emissions will drive costs much higher. Any assumption about possibly retrofitting the plant for CO2 capture is a dubious and financially risky proposition.


Specifically, a strong clear public statement by you against proceeding with construction of Big Stone II could be a turning point for Minnesota. It would provide a boost toward a future focused on renewable energies and energy efficiency, and the high-quality jobs that will be associated with that direction. Big Stone II, in contrast, poses severe risks for Minnesotans due to escalating capital costs, penalties for uncaptured CO2 emissions, and environmental damage from changing climate as well as regional pollutants such as mercury.

Here is an article yesterday from the West Central Tribune in Willmar:

NASA scientist asking Pawlenty to stop Big Stone II power plant project

and in the STrib:

Top scientist objects to coal-based power plant

and on MPR:

NASA scientist asks Pawlenty to oppose coal power

The link was on the Fresh Energy site and they held a press conference and here’s their press release — good job all around! Great news coverage!

You can find Dr. Hansen’s papers HERE.

Question — why is it that it takes someone from NASA to do what each of us should be doing… holding Pawlenty, the Green Chameleon, accountable!! THIS ISN’T ROCKET SCIENCE — this is a simple matter of knowing what it takes to cut CO2 emissions. Cutting CO2 emissions won’t happen by allowing 10 million tons annually! You have to CUT them… how much will it take to undo that 10 million ton nod to coal? When you’ve got toadies on parade, those “environmental” members of the Green Chameleon’s Gasbags who want to exempt Big Stone II and Mesaba from CO2 regulation, what gives?


Why are they doing that and not holding Pawlenty accountable and demanding ACTION, not just yammering. I get so tired of all this hot air about global warming. Let’s take a cue from Hanson, do our share, and let Pawlenty know what we think. First, send in comments on the Climate Change Action Group recommendations:

HERE’S THE REPORT – in small pieces


Just for yucks, and to make sure they go in (there’s been problems with the “comment form” system), send to:

And then call Pawlenty and tell him what you think. From his site:

To contact Governor Tim Pawlenty and Lt. Governor Carol Molnau, please write, phone, fax or e-mail.

Governor Tim Pawlenty

Office of the Governor
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Telephone: (651) 296-3391
Toll Free: (800) 657-3717
Facsimile: (651) 296-2089

So, that’ll keep ya busy for a while!

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