Cardinal-Hickory Creek at WI PSC mtg
July 2nd, 2021

Cardinal-Hickory Creek: PSC reopens power line proceedings in wake of secret communications
The applicants got at least steps toward what they wanted:

Oh yeah, it was a very weird meeting at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. The Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission was #41 (and #42 for closed session) on the agenda, but #1-40 were treated as a “consent agenda” and they rammed those through in maybe 5 minutes, maybe less (I couldn’t get online with laptop, phone, and fortunately, tablet worked)… I was late to the party! Just a couple of seconds late though…

Here’s the windup with the Applicants’ request and the comments filed on Tuesday:
Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission in trouble!
There’s a recording of the meeting, but WordPress won’t allow it!
Right after the meeting, the Public Service Commission filed a notice:

In our Reply, Reply_Rescind-and-Rehearing_JJI, we noted that there was a PSC staff memorandum filed on June 29, 2021, a memo that was not made public, and lo and behold, it was filed, and reveals important information that for sure should have been in the docket prior to the PSC meeting yesterday:

Let’s see, Applicants filed Motion 6/28 in Circuit Court, and Commission joined in that Motion… and the following day, Applicants file request to rescind at the Commission… hmmmm… related? WELL, DOH! Important information for the public and intervenors not part of the court case to know? WELL, DOH!
As we say in transmission, “IT’S ALL CONNECTED!”
How is this action before and by the Commission anything but an attempt to pull the jurisdictional rug out from under the Court? No CPCN, no jurisdiction, it’s moot. Please, prove me wrong!
And consider the Circuit Court judge’s Order of May 25, 2021 (underlining added, not in original):
The likely “tainted body” wants to undo its tainted decision before the court has a chance to rule on it? Doesn’t pass the smell test.
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